Chapter 13: Lucas has nice hair

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I descend from the large staircase into the room behind the courtyard and bump straight into Alex.

"Oh", Alex skids to a stop right in front of me, "Sorry, didn't know you'd be here already, Thanatos just told me to wait here for your return."

"Well erm... I'm back now I guess. What does he need me for?"

Alex looks at me, boredom lingering in her features, "Hades invited every single member of his court to attend a little banquet. Thanatos wants to prepare us for it."

I hate to say it but I'm kind of offended and slightly annoyed with these twins, they just keep on thinking that they're entitled to be annoying or something. Maybe they're just not that great with change? I mean, I'm pretty good with changes and I haven't completely settled in yet either and I know that making changes in the lives of people who aren't that used to them can make them cranky.

 We stride through the corridors of the palace and I can't stop marveling at its amazing architecture - the palace is nothing at all like the cavern-like structure I have imagined a palace in the literal Underworld to look like.

Though, to be fair, nothing in this sun-kissed realm lying beneath the surface of the earth seems like it belongs in the Underworld. From what I've seen it actually resembles the earth pretty well - or at least, the dent in which the palace lay does.

We walk through the palace halls in silence and after a while finally reach the doors of what I've began to call 'the demigod den'.

Yeah, I know, it still requires some work, but I think Ada agrees on the name with me.

We push open the doors and all the others are looking at us as we enter the room. They probably didn't think we'd be back this soon.

 "My timing was perfect", Alex announces to no-one in particular. Peter snorts and his twin raises one of her eyebrows and clenches her jaw, "I heard that you miserable little rat", she grumbles, "Get over here so that I can pull of your stupid head and stick it up your-"

"That", Thanatos interrupts, arms spread wide to prevent the siblings from actually fighting with each other, "Is quite enough, young lady."

I suppose it is good to know that there is someone who is at least trying to keep the peace, even though that person doesn't particularly care about any of us at all.

"So", Thanatos continues after ensuring nobody else is going to start fighting, both verbally and physically, "we are going to depart for the feast in a minute but before that; I hope all of you are aware of what precisely is happening tomorrow?"

Not quite a question but we all nod in response either way. It would be hard not to know after having the whole week to prepare for it.

"Great, so, out of tradition", he spits out the word like he can't stand having it come out of his mouth, "Everyone attends the first evening wearing typical Ancient Greek garments. You are obviously not gods so Hades said you don't have to wear them if you wish, just make sure you look presentable."

"So", everybody's eyes turn to face me, "We'll have to wearing a chiton then?"

My voice is eerily quiet and Thanatos stares at me, as if disappointed, "No", he snarls, "you will not be wearing a kite-on or whatever you just called it."

"You know what I meant didn't you", I raise my eyebrow in defiance.


"then why turn it into such a grand problem?" I interrupt Thanatos, a big smile plastered on my face. I can tell he doesn't like it.

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