Chapter 01: The Boy Everyone Dreams About, not

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I sigh as I lean across my homework.

How's this stuff even supposed to work?  Honestly, did these ancient Greeks know what they where doing or where they just writing down random letters?

As I use my hand to comb through my hair I hear a boy clear his throat behind me.

Sweet baby Jesus! Is this guy going to leave me alone for one second!

"I can help you with that you know", the boy says in a soft voice, "I've already finished it so you can copy mine if you want."  "No thanks, I'm honestly almost done", I say whilst trying to hide my very empty paper. "Doesn't look like it", he replies.

Oh my god! He is by far the most annoying guy I've ever met.

"I won't ask anything in return or something", he continues, "if that's what you're thinking." I stare straight into the boy's eyes hoping to just scare him away but his ocean blue eyes only start to shimmer with amusement. 

God I hate him so much.

I can still remember the day I first laid eyes on him. He, naturally, drew everyones attention towards him because of how pretty he was. Bright greenish blue eyes, hair the color of honey and a face that looked like it was carved out of stone. It didn't take long before every girl's hormones where going crazy, wether he was their type or not.

For some reason every girl immediately liked him.

OMG he's so good with the guitar. Did you know he's like, super-smart?  He's so ammazing! I would die for him!

Everybody immediately fell in love with the charming American boy and therefore I, obviously, despised him from the very start.

But for some reason ever since he saw me he has been drawn to me like a moth to a flame. He's never far behind and it's almost like he knows exactly where I am at any given moment. 

Lucas Evans is so fricking annoying.

He gives me one of his smiles that make some girls faint and for some reason it's almost as if I can feel waves of his charm washing over me. I shoot an angry look at him and turn around so that I can continue with my homework, as usual I started a little late, and notice my pen is gone.

"Hey!" I shout and turn around to face Lucas, "Give me back my pen!"

"You know Nola", he starts, "you can't just ignore it." A hint of emotion flickers across his face. 

Sadness perhpas? No, desperation.

"I can't just ignore what?" I answer barely able to control the anger lingering inside my voice.

"You'll know soon enough", he says, "You're eightteen now." Then he gives me back my pen, turns around and leaves the school's library. 

That's another thing that annoys me so much about him. He just sort of aimlessly walks around, smiles at girls and then: BAM. All of the sudden he's serious and says crazy shit like that.

It's really sad he's this annoying, I could've used his help with this homework.

I turn back around and start to translate the verbs.

I hear muffled screams from the hallway and turn around only to see Lucas sprinting over to me, eyes wide with fear.

"We have to go!" He yells, "Now!"

I try to look past him and see people running into the library trying their best to block the door. Trying their best to make sure nothing can enter the library.

"Nola!" Lucas shouts with fear lingering in his tone. 

I look at his outstretched hand and I'm not sure what to do with it.

"What's going on in the hallway?" I ask, "I'm not following unless you tell me!"

"Well", he says, "I did ask nicely you know."

Then he grabs my arm and everything goes black.

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