Chapter 16: Hermes wastes some time

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I put the violin away and walk upstairs.

"Are you okay?" Lucas asks. Thanatos confused me so much I no longer have the energy to snap something at him.

"Why?" Cal turns from the sofa he and most of the others are sitting on, watching a television program that sounds like it could be German.

"Why are y'all watching a German program?" I ask. Alex turns around. "It's Dutch. Why do people always confuse German and Dutch, they're not even close to being similar."

"I don't know why people confuse the two, but-"

Lucas interrupts us, "No, you will answer the questions in the order they were asked. Mine was first."

"You're acting like Peter now," Matt taunts, "Why are-"

Lucas lifts his hand and everybody falls quiet. It is clear that - even though no one will ever admit it - this group listens to him and respects his opinions. Maybe it just has something to do with the fact that he's been here for so long, but he is clearly their unofficial leader.

"Of course I'm fine, why wouldn't I be?" I say, forcing some lightness into my voice. Most of them seem to find that sufficient and turn back to the program.

Was that a talking giraffe?

Lucas on the other hand - who, by the way, hasn't stopped intensely staring at me since he asked his first question - clearly doesn't find my response adequate and narrows his eyes ever so slightly. The message behind it was clear, "we're not done yet." I narrow my eyes right back at him, "We'll see." I silently promise him. He turns back to the television.

What are they watching? Are those flying doors?

I sit down in an armchair next to the couch and am glad for the English subtitles on the bottom of the screen that help me understand the strange language. They give me a massive headache nonetheless. I guess I'm not really used to having to read subtitles.

I drift off a little and pick up my book, which has conveniently transported itself to a table near my left. I barely notice the others leaving, I guess their strange movie is over. I check the clock and see it's not that late yet. Accompanied by the sounds of the others playing some very aggressive form of ping-pong, Lucas nears my chair and sits down on an ottoman right next to it.

"So, " he begins, "What happened. I never saw him act like that against anybody else." Other than me, he meant. I don't answer him, but at least I do look at him this time. He stares right back.

Maybe I'm not the only headstrong one out here after all.

He tilts his head, encouraging me to go on.

I ask a question instead. "Why does he act like that towards you?"

Lucas leans back a little bit, "I don't really know, he wasn't always like that though."

"Yeah, " I agree, "He also treated me differently when I just got here. Remember?"

Lucas nods his head frantically, "Exactly. I think there has to be a pattern or something. A reason why he met us and was okay with us and then, after a little while, just started to treat us like we are a pain in his behind."

I agree, I noticed that too and since he doesn't just completely hate everybody there has to be a reason why he does dislike us. I nod, slowly. Lucas looks hopeful.

"I saw him fight with Hades yesterday evening," I admit quietly, making sure no one else notices. Lucas looks a tad disappointed. I point it out, "Why do you look disappointed?"

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