A Red Light of Hope

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There were countless legends of the light being given to the mortals by the gods themselves to empower them through gifts of beings beyond them.

The Navajo looked upon their Twin War Gods Hashchʼéoghan and Haashchʼéé Oołtʼohí for protection into the four worlds that they lived in.

The Proto-Greeks survived thanks to the brother titans Prometheus and Epimetheus who delivered them the power of Fire and Hope to mankind.

The Ancient Kryptonian Bolmeth people credit their Golden Age of expansion to Yla-Uth, the Sun-Lord, and Korp-Op, the Earth-Giant.

The Imperium looked upon the God-Emperor of Mankind.

All tales told the same thing in different ways, the start was a delicate thing, and so much things could end up being wrong into the future.

For the Sisters of Battle, they looked upon their God in Holy Terra with something that was beyond simply religious faith and adoration.

Battle-sisters were recruited solely from the female progena or graduates of the Schola Progenium facilities spread across the galaxy.

They were the orphans of those Imperial servants who have given their lives in the service of the Imperium, either in the Astra Militarum or some other Imperial Adepta.

Aelia Paulina, Canoness of the Sisters of Battle of the Adepta Sororitas got into countless of battles in her life time, considering that most people in her line of work tended to die incredibly young, in her late thirties she was already feeling old.

And she worked with Space Marines who were probably much older than her by the studs on their heads.

Things had been pretty calm if she said so herself, for the last few weeks, everyone in the Imperium had felt the strange energy sweeping across the galaxy, something she could only compare to the feeling of seeing a Living Saint with her own eyes, she wouldn't compare it to the feeling of the God-Emperor for nothing in the universe.

A warmth that came not only from the body but also from the soul, since then, things had been like never before.

A fire had been lit in the hearts of those in the Imperium, the Guardsmen were fighting with a greater intensity than a Kriegsman making trenches.

The Green Skins did not seem the same, they had left their barbaric way of fighting and seemed even focused but their numbers decresed, like they were somewhere else, and they seemed… distracted with something beyond them.

Necron activity had increased but to the surprise of those who had seen for their own means as the metallic Xenos began to evade them, much like the Green Skins they apparently just appeared to reunite themselves.

They had practically not known a thing about the Knife Ears in the least, whether Eldar or Dark Eldar.

Now, Paulina wouldn't be alive at the moment without her good amount of doubt, everything in that amount of things happening at the same time could be really good things, or really, reaaaaaally bad things.

And the current situation was proof of that, it had started quite a normal three weeks ago.

After a fight with a Genestealer cult that literally burned alive after they found it out of nowhere in a Mining World, it wasn't like some of the worst she has seen, she was there just because of the suspect of some chaos cult because a good amount of the people there were used as slaves and that could turn into insurgence.

Then apparently it was just Genestealer Cult, and she just got with herself just a small amount of her own sister to deal with it, and then the damn xenos just exploded, out of nowhere!

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