Into the Dark

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As things moved around him, Superman could feel a pseudo atmosphere forming around him as he surveyed the creatures around the place.

They reminded him too much of the Cyborg Superman, Hank Henshaw, completely mechanical entities but laced with the minimized essence of a soul…also they were even taller than the Space Marines he had confronted before.

"Ah" greeted one of them in an almost cordial manner. "You are not a stellar vampire, unless you decide for some reason to enclose yourself in a skin envelope. Those are good news. I have come here to cordially introduce myself and my race"

"I already have some information about you, although surely too brief and by what I'm getting this talk, surely wrong, I know who you are, Necrons…" said the Kryptonian crossing his arms looking at the various mechanical beings there "My name is Kal-El"

"I am the Phaeron of the Suhbekhar Dynasty, the Crimson Scythe. Ahmontekh. I was not expecting a meeting like this, Kal-El"

Superman's ears jerked internally, they weren't exactly communicating in the traditional way, they were literally sending waves and electromagnetic signals directly into his mind as a receptacle for information.

He noticed a strange movement in the Necrons present as he leaned forward in a manner of respect and greeting. "Your Highness, Phaeron Ahmontekh. I must quickly express that I do not wish any conflict between us, I know who you are and your conflict with the Eldar, but I do not wish to do any harm, to either"

Although their faces didn't change, he could guess that they were definitely amazed, especially the Phaeron in front of them.

"This is…a surprise. I don't remember a time in my life when any being of your power bowed to anyone" Ahmontekh commented as the Kryptonian looked at him. "I came here as a form of prevention, if you had been an unfragmented C'tan, only I and a few with power only inferior to our King would have been able to survive a fight to inform the rest of us"

"Like I said, I did not desired to fight against you"

"I know, even so, if you were a C'tan. We would already be ashes"

The Kryptonian frowned at the mention of someone with power similar to his own, at the thought that they would probably use it for something bad if they went there to "fracture" him.

"Even if you are not a C'tan, the data readings we have show some similarity on a biological level in how the absorption, transformation and conversion of different types of energy works, including solar energy" Superman turned his eyes to see who had said that, unlike the considerably humanoid Necrons present, who was there was someone with legs like those of a spider. "Actually, I am very interested in some type of information gathering"

The Phaeron moved his arm against him. "Illuminor Szeras, while I appreciate the support of your forces, this is too important a guest for us"

The Phaeron slowly turned back "Please come with me Kal-El. There are things I wish to discuss with you personally"

Superman kept his guard up as he began to walk slowly into the ship, seeing the walls of Necrodermis and analyzing them in detail as he accompanied the Crimson Scythe. "It's quite a curious thing to see you interact with the Aeldari. From your attitude, I can guess that you don't know much about the events that have happened in this universe" the Kryptonian's interest rose upon hearing that. "As you yourself have said, you know about us, but you don't have all the information"

"I am aware of what is happening, but it may be clouded by different things" he commented remembering the information he had obtained from the Tech-priest, Imperials and the Haemunculi.

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