Meetings with the ancients

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"So… this… ship is yours?"

"Is actually from a really old enemy, it uses a kind of hyperspace around the ship in the form of a bubble that allows it to not follow the limits of the speed of light of normal physics, that allows it to move trillions of times the speed of light, it can also connect through some locations by making a wormhole, it's the only thing I have that normally competes with the speed at which I can fly" indicated the Kryptonian while he scratched his neck.

It was somewhat awkward for Superman, he didn't use spaceships to move himself, but realizing that the laws of physics in that world were so different as to nullify the operation of some of his other ships, he needed to use the Mothership of Brainiac.

The place wasn't exactly…homey.

It had an atmosphere and protection systems against travel at speeds faster than the speed of light. As a result… it was a huge mass of black metamaterials, superconductors, and many other things… it was somewhat depressing all the left space that were just normal space so Brainiac got space for new worlds.

The place was cleared of anything after he took it over from the tyrant of knowledge, aside from some remodeling in case he needed to get people in there, it was a bit…it was empty.

So, they were kind of literally the only ones there.

It was fortunate that the ship had navigation and sensory systems with the energy of the mind, said sensory systems were going crazy all over the galaxy, but it was that the Eldar had more remarkable and detectable mental abilities than humans that helped with taking into account less numbers of places.

Coupled with the fact that their Craftworlds couldn't move too far from quick amounts of time to the next without using the Webway, they were following the navigation trail they'd had since before she was captured by the Dark Eldar made it not too difficult to travel to where her original Craftworld could be.

And quite literally just sitting next to some capsules that Brainiac used for scanning biologicals, they were just… talking.

"I hope it's not a bother that I asked you some things"

"Of course it's not, look at it like getting some confidence so they don't shoot me the moment they see me" he told her with a little smile.

"My kind would not kill someone helping me to be free from the Druhkari, we are not Mon-Keigh"

"I was telling that as a joke, is not like I believe you would or could kill me just by walking there"

"… In any case… What exactly are you? You aren't a Mon-Keigh, your muscular structure is too complex and firm to be like them or like us but the nervous system you have is capable of moving with hardly any need for conscious thought, I don't think I've seen a being like you in the entire galaxy" she told him causing Superman to raise one eyebrow

"I'm quite surprised that you would be able to notice that with just a glance"

"I am also surprised, the psychic presence that you exert is enormous and yet most of it is engraved inside your body, as a kind of layered sensor from the most basic level. Is not something I should be capable of doing"

"Ah" the Kryptonian made that sound as he thought about what to answer. "I am a Kryptonian, an alien race from the galaxy that humans call Andromeda. In my native home I was a warrior, I faced countless enemies before I ended up in this galaxy and… well, I kind of can't look at all that is happening and do nothing" he told her, he wasn't lying in the least but he wasn't the type to tell the story of his life to everyone either.

"…I don't believe you, what you say is… not something that I can believe as possible"


"I'm not a Farseer, I'm not able to see the future more than any other of our own, that's why we were captured in the first place. But I'm not one of those Commoragh monsters either, my psychic abilities are enough to feel you in detail" Daiele told him while looking at him with confusion. "I FEEL like I'm talking to a star, but this is not something that could be happening, the Psychic pressure you have would render my brain into a mush, you felt like that Mon-Keigh God they got, maybe even greater. Yet all I feel coming from you is... warmth"

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