Team Galaxy 2006

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Here are some ideas

Here is a Josh idea

What if there was a villain that rules an underwater kingdom ( it can be an empire if you want ) the empress or emperor( your choice if you want a female or male, I will also be calling them empress or emperor so you can choose what name you want ) the empress or emperor has sends spy's to look at the students of Galaxy High, the empress or emperor wanted to find a certain person to take them back and to brainwashed that person to mold him/she to be their warrior or child. One of the spy's reports back about the principal's son Joshua, Josh for short. They show a profile and video recordings of Josh, as the empress or emperor read the profile and video, it was decided that Josh was the one to take. I will let you decide the rest will Josh's friends and father save him.

Another idea about Josh

What if during a patrol on a planet an old enemy of principle Kirkpatrick's past was spying and researching him and Josh. (I will let you choose the name and if you want to choose a man or woman to be the villain but in the meantime I will be naming he or she Alex) Alex set some traps to distract to Yoko and Brett to Knock out Josh and take him back to the spaceship, Alex work for a kingdom as a spy or a commander in the Military or a lab. Alex the ruler of the kingdom was interested in the school of Galaxy high, Alex was thinking of kidnapping one of the students to take back to the kingdom to look at his/her memories to know more about he or she. Then Alex will have someone to brainwash the student, then principles Kirkpatrick's enemy let just called him Richard came in for a request, why looking at the profiles of potential candidates Richard saw Joshua Kirkpatrick profiles. After reading the profile of Joshua he began to form a plan to get revenge on Joshua's father for getting him kicked out of the military for selling information and data. The plan was taking his son and brainwash Joshua to make him think Richard was his father and train him to be a soldier and secret agent to get samples or something, Alex look at his profile and think for a while then made the decision to have Joshua Kirkpatrick to be the perfect candidate. Alex and Richard each made some deals, Richard deal was he was allowed to have Josh brainwash to think he is his son and he can choose what trainings he will set for him, and Alex' deal is that some of his doctors and scientists to monitor him, also when he is ready to be sent on missions with two three humans and or aliens. He will also have a disguise when he is going on missions, the both nodded and shake on it. Will Yoko and Brett, Josh father save him and get the old Josh back ?

If you don't now what Team Galaxy is, look on Wikipedia.

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