Skylanders Academy ideas

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Hello I been watching Skylanders Academy on Netflix I like the Spyro was turn evil by Strykore in the episode Touch of Evil.

Here are some ideas

What if in the episode Touch of Evil a evil wizard or sorceress who have the same powers as Malefor to tap to others dimensions. But the difference is that he or she can take someone and something with them, that person went to meet Malefor and Kaos (who just wanted to use Spyro's light to open the portal for Strykore) (also let just called the evil wizard or sorceress a mystery person if you want) the mystery person show who Spyro's family is and what realm they are in as well as his kind. So they each made a deal, Malefor's Get his daughter Cynder back and not face Neither of Kaos and Strykor's wrath, the mystery person get to talk to Strykor with something so that they can also speak to Spyro's parents (Who are evil because they and his kind where turn evil by Strykor) Kaos get to meet his dad and undo Golden Queen Curse on his mother Kaossandra. When Kaos and the mystery person arrive with the unconscious Spyro, Strykor ask who this with Kaos is. They explain and the mystery person let Strykor speak to Spyro's parents. The mystery person made a deal with Strykor that when he taken Spyro's light and turn evil, he will put Spyro in a cocoon to make Spyro forget everything. The mystery person and Spyro's parents Will raise him and make sure he stay evil and help Strykor. Will his teammates and Master Eon find him and save him ?

Here a another Spyro idea

What if Kaos who is still with Golden Queen and the doom Raiders, use his magic and accidentally turn Spyro into a baby or Toddler ? Why the Skylanders battle the Doom Raiders. Will Eon and the others find a way turn him back to normal ? Or he was kidnap by a mystery person and was turn into a baby or Toddler.

Another Spyro idea

What if before Strykor was release he told Kaos to bring him to Malefor to make a deal with him. That he told Koas of a powerful book that can open big portals to others realms and tell who and what to find and speak with the person who you want to talk with. With Malefor powers and the book they talk to Spyro's kind and his parents who are Royalty or one of the former guardian's of the core of Light. The Guardians made a deal with Strykor, that when he eaten Spyro's Light and free himself from his prison. He is to make Spyro forget the Skylanders and Eon, give Spyro back to his real family that they can Mold and re-raise him to be more like them and evil. Also the ex guardians give them 3 or 5 human teen from another world to let Koas and Strykor to use them as servants or something else, so when the skylanders arrive with Kaossandra they heard or saw everything or Malefor tell them some parts of it. So when the humans meet the skylanders they have some amazing adventures to find Spyro and a way for them get back home.

Another idea

What if Malefor decided to take Spyro instead of his Daughter ?

Another Spyro idea

What if a mystery person sneak into Kaossandra's castle and steal the book where Strykore is in imprisoned. Kaossandra walk in the room and saw what was happening, she demanded to know who the mystery person is she then saw the book, before she can do anything the mystery person use a spell to temporarily restrain her. The mystery persons told her and Glumshanks who is tie up somehow, that he/she is going to make a deal with Strykore and Malefor. Also to lie to Kaos to help as well because the way you treated him was not a good idea because it just made him more interest in power and dark magic. Kaossandra stare in shock and realise that the mystery person was right, the stranger smirk at her then left. The mystery person went to Malefor, when the stranger arrived he/she was greet by a angry Malefor the stranger said the words and open the book to reveal the trap Strykore. Malefor stare and said Strykore is that you !? In shock the imprison person said yes. The mystery person reveal to them to be a evil witch/wizard from the realm where Spyro's family and his kind are. The witch/wizard explain that he/she is here to take Spyro back to his family and make him forget his past, the stranger also reveals that Spyro's kind work with a evil king in the realm they are in. So each one made a deal Malefor can use Spyro as a distraction to get Cynder his child back. The witch/wizard know a powerful spell that can release Strykore from the book, Strykore ask to meet this king and Spyro's kind, after finding Kaos the stranger and show him Strykore who told him that he is his father and that Kaossandra was the one who seal him into the book. he then give him a power up and all three of  them made a plan to capture Spyro, that when Malefor told them that Spyro approached him to request him to sending him to the dimension where his were his kind was banished to by Master Eon. After capturing him the witch/wizard and Kaos also the soon to be free Strykore got there after Malefor sent a broadcast all of Skylands he said he captured Spyro to be his slave but would return him safely the Academy for the return of his Daughter Cynder by sundown. Malefor then give the unconscious Spyro to them and return to Kaossandra's castle who was greeted by Glumshanks who is acting as a spy for her. All of them went to a chamber to release Strykore from the book, after that the stranger open a portal to the dimension where the king lives and Spyro's parents and kind are. When they got there they were greeted by the king and Spyro's parents with three of the former guardian's of the core of Light (Spyro dad was also one of the guardian ) the witch/wizard show them Spyro who was started to wake up a while ago so a spell was use to put him back to sleep. The witch/wizard and Strykore begins the brainwashing process on Spyro, Kaos and Glumshanks was watching the whole thing. When it was finished on the floor lay a now black and sliver Spyro. The king let Spyro's parents pick him up and taken him to a room to rest in, why he and Strykore, Kaos talk about helping each other out. ( I will let you decide the rest ) will Spyro friends and Master Eon, the others Skylanders find him and bring him back to normal ?

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