Transformers Prime: Humans and others Autobots ideas

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Hello here a Miko idea

What if Miko got into trouble and was temporarily ban from the base, ever since she stop talking to Jack, Raf and the Autobots. Meanwhile the Decepticons been watching Miko. One of the Decepticon had a idea about choosing a Human to make Him/Her Predaking Child like Sparkling. One of the Decepticon Shockwave or Knock Out was spying on Memorial High the School where the Autobots's Humans Partners go to. They were watching as all the kids come out of school, one of them saw Miko who was trying to avoid Jack and Raf, she snap at them to leave her alone. When she ran off Knock Out follow her with out her knowing. When she was alone Knock Out made his appearance and took her back to the Decepticon Base. Where she was brought to Megatron who told her what was going to happen to her, Then he order Shockwave to put her into the Cocoon like pod as Soundwave prepares for the experiment. When the process is finish a unconscious 5 year old Miko was laying on the ground, she was quickly wrap up in a blanket and take her to be clean up after Shockwave was finish. He give the sleeping Miko to Knock Out to put some some clothes on her, after he was done he put her on a berth. When Knock Out and Shockwave was looking over some reports, Miko slowly woke up and was terrified at seeing two giant robots she squeak when they notice she woken up. one of them went over to her and told her that they was not going to hurt her. She ask what is this place who are they and what was her name, Knock Out gently explain everything to her and has Starscream bring Predaking in. Predaking slowly went to the scared child and was being gently as can be to her, Miko relax and was snuggling up to him, the three of them watch the whole thing and Megatron called in to see how the experiment is doing, one of them told Lord Megatron everything. ( Can be before they know that Preaking transform into a Cybertronian person if you want )

Please let me know what you think of this idea

Here a Cliffjumper idea

What if when he was brought back to life by the dark Energon he have Amnesia. He saw Starscream, Megatron and Soundwave he ask lots of questions. Megatron who is slowly forming a plan, lied to Cliffjumper about what happened to him and who he is, he order Shockwaves to take him back to the ship and have him and Knock Out fix him up. Meanwhile at the Autobot's Base, Cliffjumper life signal somehow come back on. Acree and Optimus decided to sneak on board the Decepticons ship to know what happen to Cliffjumper. Meanwhile Shockwave and Knockout was making a body for Cliffjumper who stay quiet why waiting for his new body. When it was finish Shockwave put the new body and what was left of Cliffjumper's old body together, when the process was finish Knockout got a large mirror and show Cliffjumper his new body, why Cliffjumper study his new body Arcee and Optimus burst in the room, when Arcee saw Cliffjumper she gasp at his appearance and said Cliff what happen to you?! In a shock voice. He just stare at her and ask who she is, Knockout told him that she was one of the Autobots that nearly kill him, Cliffjumper stare at the two Autobots then in anger attack them. Optimus try to reason with him but he didn't want to listen, so they retreats, Megatron arrive soon after and demand to know what happen. Knockout explain to him what has happened, Megatron nodded then he order one of the Drones to take Cliffjumper to a room to rest in, one of them nodded and took Cliffjumper to a room that was prepared for him. When they were gone Megatron ask if he Recognise any of them ? Knock Out say no. Megatron was happy to know that Cliffjumper did not remember anything. Megatron decided to make Cliffjumper into a Decepticon's soldier and servent. Will he ever remember who he is ? Will the Autobots save him.

Here a another Miko idea

What if Airachnid been working on a Machine or a Special web that can turn a Human into a Cybertronian and back to human. she secretly been working on it for a month. Megatron or Shockwave have somehow find out about what she been up to after she went rogue, Airachnid told them that she been spying the on the Autobot's humans partner for a while and decided to pick Miko for the experiment. Megatron stare at her for a few moment before saying Airachnid you can come back and do the experiment but it will be under my surveillance, she grudgingly agree then Shockwave suggests that Predaking bond with Miko as soon as Airachnid experiment is finish. Shockwave said he wanted to test how Predaking would react to a sparkling, Megatron approve but said make sure you, Airachnid and the others Decepticons to keep a eye on her and take turns watching her. They made a plan on capturing Miko, so they spy on her for a while until it the right moment. Meanwhile Miko did something and Ratchet, Jack said something that hurt her feeling, before they could apologize Miko ask Bulkhead to take her home as they were driving Bulkhead was telling Miko that maybe they were right and then they started arguing,
Bulkhead then said this to her, maybe you are better off with the Decepticons! Miko was quiet for a minute and then said this to him, let me out right now, as she was near her host parents home, Bulkhead try to says something but she just snap and said let me out and get out of my sight. Since then she been staying far away from Jack, Raf and the Autobots when one of them try to talk to her she just ignore them. Unknown to either of them Megatron send someone to spy on Miko, the Decepticon report back and explain to Airachnid and Shockwave on what he heard and seen. They both made a plan to take Miko tonight. That night when Miko was fast asleep Airachnid quietly open the Window and grab Miko without waking her up, Airachnid's called for a Groundbridge then walk in it with the sleeping Miko. When they walk in Megatron order Knock Out to have her check before starting the process, after Knockout was about to take a blood sample Miko woke up. Miko in shock demand to know why she here and what they want with her, before she can do anything Shockwave snatch up the now angry and little scare Miko and put her in Airachnid's web or machine, Before Miko lose consciousness she heard this, I wonder what she will look like after the transformation, Shockwave and Airachnid started the process why taking notes and turns to watch. 5 or 7 Hours later it was finish and there was now a 5 or 7 year old Cybertronian Miko. After cleaning her up she slowly started to wake up and she felt different somehow. A mirror was brought to her. Miko was Horrified and shock by her new appearance, she demanded to know what they did to her, Airachnid said something to her and then give her a strange Energon to drink. (The strange Energon was something that Shockwave made, it slowly make Miko forget her past) When Miko was done drinking she started to feel sleepy and after a minute she was asleep Starscream was order to bring in the Predacon ( It before the Decepticons know he can Transform in a Cybertronian) He was told about the Sparkling and about him going to test how it would react him. He was also been told that her memories will be gone when she woke up. as he was being told Miko slowly woke up and her memories were gone she squeak when she saw strangers she start to cry when she was given to Airachnid she slowly start to quite down and ask who they are and who she is. Knockout or Airachnid explained who she is and who Predaking was and what has happened to her.

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