Chapter 14

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Zee was overwhelmed with the information. He couldn't remember anything from the past two years, and the realization of what he had missed hit him.

Zee: "An accident? What happened?"

His mother hesitated for a moment, exchanging worried glances with the doctor.

Doctor: "You've been through a lot, Zee. It's important to take things slowly. We'll explain everything, but you need time to recover." 

His mother, with a comforting smile, reassured him that they would support him in remembering the past and gradually filling in the missing pieces. Zee nodded, feeling a mixture of confusion and anxiety about the unknown events that had transpired in the last two years.

Zee: "I trust you, Mom. Just tell me everything when I'm ready."

His mother hugged him, expressing her relief that he was awake and alive. As the doctor left, she encouraged Zee to get some rest.

Zee's mind was buzzing with confusion, but he understood that he needed time to process everything. The doctor emphasized the importance of rest for a speedy recovery and left the room.

As Zee lay back on the bed, he couldn't shake off the feeling of missing fragments in his life. The room seemed unfamiliar, and the gaps in his memory left him with a sense of disorientation. With a heavy sigh, he closed his eyes, hoping that rest would bring clarity to his foggy recollections.

When Zee was fast asleep, his mother called his friends, especially Max. She then explained that he did not remember anything, not even them, his friends. 

Zee's friends were shocked to hear the news from Zee's mother. Max, Net, Jay, and Joss couldn't believe that Zee had lost his memory of the past two years. They were worried about how to approach him when they visit.

Max: "This is so unexpected. How are we going to explain everything to him?"

Net: "We'll take it one step at a time. We just need to be there for him and help him remember."

Jay: "I hope our presence won't overwhelm him. He needs time to process all of this."

Joss: "Let's plan something thoughtful. Maybe bring some things that could trigger his memory."

They agreed to meet Zee's mother to discuss a plan for gradually reintroducing Zee to his past and his friends. They wanted to make sure Zee felt comfortable and supported during his recovery.

As Zee was in a deep sleep, he suddenly felt like he was traveling into his dreams. He allowed it to happen, and then he heard someone softly calling his name and felt a gentle caress on his face.

When he slowly opened his eyes, he saw his boyfriend, Nunew, looking worried. Max and Net were also there. Confused, Zee asked what happened. Nunew explained that Zee had passed out before entering the bathroom and expressed concern for his well-being.

Zee, still a bit disoriented, tried to recall the events.

Zee: "I passed out? Why?"

Nunew: "You suddenly collapsed. We were so worried. Do you remember anything?"

Zee shook his head.

Zee: "No, I don't. What happened?"

Max: "You fainted, Zee. We lifted you to your bed."

Net: "We've called for help, and the doctor will check on you soon."

Zee: "Thanks, guys. I don't know what could have caused this."

Nunew: "Maybe stress or fatigue. You need to take care of yourself, babe."

The doctor explained that Zee's headache, which led to his fainting spell, was a result of stress and fatigue. The doctor advised Zee to get plenty of rest and eat healthy food. Grateful for the information, they thanked the school doctor. Nunew, still concerned, took a seat beside Zee, gently caressing his hair.

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