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As the doctor solemnly announces Zee's passing, the room is filled with a heavy silence broken only by the anguished cries of his mother. Tears stream down her face as she watches her son lying motionless on the hospital bed, no longer able to respond to their calls or comfort.

Zee's mother: sobbing uncontrollably "Oh, my dear son... I'm so sorry. We failed you. We couldn't give you the happiness you deserved..."

His mother's words are choked with sorrow and regret, her heart heavy with the weight of their actions and the pain they caused Zee.

Zee's Mother: clasping his hand in hers, tears flowing freely "At the end, you still chose him... You still chose your happiness..."

In her grief, she finds solace in knowing that despite everything, Zee found peace and happiness with Nunew.

Zee's Mother: whispering brokenly "Be free, my son. Be happy... Let us bear the burden of our mistakes, and may you find eternal joy in the arms of your beloved."

With a heavy heart and tear-stained cheeks, Zee's mother bids her son farewell, her words carrying a mixture of sorrow, acceptance, and a fervent wish for his happiness in the afterlife.

Zee's eyes fluttered open to find himself surrounded by a lush garden filled with vibrant flowers and towering trees. A sense of peace washed over him as he took in his surroundings, feeling strangely comforted by the beauty that surrounded him.

A soft voice called out to him, and Zee turned to see a figure dressed in white approaching him. His heart leaped with recognition and longing as he realized who it was.

"Nunew," Zee breathed, his voice barely above a whisper.

Nunew smiled warmly, his eyes filled with love and understanding as he reached out his hand towards Zee. "I've been waiting for you," he said softly, his voice carrying a hint of nostalgia.

Zee felt a surge of emotion welling up inside him as he reached out to grasp Nunew's hand, their fingers intertwining in a familiar embrace. Tears filled his eyes as he listened to Nunew's words, a sense of belonging and completeness washing over him.

"I will find you and stay with you on every parallel universe we exist," Zee promised, his gaze unwavering as he held Nunew close.

Nunew's eyes glistened with unshed tears as he gazed at Zee, his heart heavy with gratitude and love.

Nunew: voice trembling "Thank you, Zee, for finding me in this Parallel Universe. Our love... it transcends time and space, boundless and eternal like the universe itself."

Zee leaned forward, pressing a gentle kiss to Nunew's forehead, a silent promise of unwavering devotion and enduring love.

Zee: softly "I will cherish every moment we've spent together, every laugh, every tear... May our love endure beyond this life and into eternity. We won't look back at the past; instead, we'll move forward, hand in hand, till the universe itself is broke and scattered."

Their love, a beacon of hope amidst the darkness, shone brightly, illuminating their souls as they faced the unknown future together, united in their love and boundless determination to seize every precious moment they shared.

Nunew gently asked Zee what had taken him so long to find him and be with him. Though Zee couldn't comprehend the intricacies of their reunion, he simply embraced Nunew tightly, expressing his apologies for arriving late. In the comforting embrace, Zee whispered words of reassurance, promising to never leave Nunew again.

Nunew: "Zee, my love, what took you so long to find me?"

Zee: embracing Nunew tightly "I'm sorry, Nunew. I didn't mean to take so long. But I'm here now, and I'll never leave you again."

Nunew: stroking Zee's hair gently "It's alright, my dear. You're here now, and that's all that matters."

Zee: whispering softly "I missed you so much."

Nunew: leaning in to kiss Zee "And I missed you, my love."

As they stood in the midst of the garden, surrounded by the beauty of nature, Nunew leaned in and pressed a tender kiss to Zee's lips. Their love flowed freely between them, binding them together in a timeless embrace.

Nunew then took Zee's hand and invited him to walk with him through the enchanting garden. Curious, Zee asked where they were, but Nunew only smiled and replied that they were in a place where only happiness existed, where love was the foundation of all.

Zee: feeling overwhelmed with emotion "Where are we, Nunew? This place is so beautiful."

Nunew: smiling warmly "We're in a place where only happiness exists, where love is the foundation of everything."

Zee: gazing around in awe "It's like a dream."

Nunew: taking Zee's hand "Come, let's walk together and enjoy this moment."

Zee: squeezing Nunew's hand "I don't ever want to leave."

Nunew: gently pulling Zee closer "Then we won't. As long as we're together, we'll always be here, in this place of love and happiness."

With a sense of wonder and contentment filling their hearts, Zee and Nunew walked hand in hand through the garden, their souls intertwined in a bond that transcended time and space. In this serene and magical place, they knew that their love would endure for eternity.

As Zee and Nunew continued their walk towards the paradise, Zee's heart grew heavy as he heard the faint cries of his parents calling out his name. He paused, turning back to see his parents, tears streaming down their faces as they reached out desperately towards him.

Zee: calling out to them "Mom! Dad! I'm here! Please, don't cry!"

But no matter how loud he shouted and how frantically he waved, his parents remained oblivious to his presence, lost in their own world of sorrow.

Nunew: approaching Zee, his voice gentle "Zee, my love, every happiness is accompanied by the sadness of others. It's the balance of life."

Zee: tears welling up in his eyes "But I can't bear to see them suffer..."

Nunew: taking Zee's hand and gazing into his eyes with understanding "I know, my dear. But you have a choice to make now. You can go back to the road leading to your family, or you can walk with me towards a world where sadness doesn't exist, only happiness, love, peace, and calm."

Zee's mind raced as he remembered the pain of betrayal inflicted by his family, their insistence on making him forget Nunew without knowing his fate. The memories flooded back, stirring a mix of emotions within him.

Zee: looking at Nunew with determination "I've made my choice. I want to walk with you, towards a future where we can be together without any pain or sorrow."

Nunew: smiling lovingly "Then let's go, my dear. Hand in hand, towards our endless paradise."

With a sense of resolve and a newfound peace in his heart, Zee clasped Nunew's hand tightly, their fingers intertwining as they embarked on their journey towards the boundless paradise of happiness and love.


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