I'm sorry

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Tomioka Giyuu.. known as the non-expressive and down right sad and depressed hashira was smiling and laughing almost everyday ever Since he came from a foreign country, everyone was surprised yet happy that he was finally opening up, well.. everyone but Shinazugawa Sanemi also known as the so called 'enemy' or ' soul rival's of him didn't buy his laughs and smile's considering the fact that Giyuu had been giving out different gifts of all kinds that were oh so dear to Giyuu this all started at some month or week ago..

But besides that.. Sanemi noticed how Giyuu looked..paler, had more sunken cheeks, a more thinner body, not just that but Sanemi caught him covering up his dark eye circles with make up, this all lead to a point Sanemi knew something was up but didn't know what, it remained this all till they were paired up in a mission to kill some lower moon...


"Oi Tomioka"
Sanemi called out

"Yes Shinazugawa?"
Giyuu turned to Sanemi smiling a bit

"Tch! Wipe that smile off your face would ya?, and remember don't interfere if I kill that fucker"
Sanemi rolled his eyes and walked the opposite direction when in reality he was just acting and was gonna spy on Giyuu


Giyuu entered some old shed and after some time Sanemi heard a shriek then..

Sanemi's ears were now ringing as he felt some sort of pang in his heart hearing it while Giyuu casually left the run down shed and met Sanemi

"Oh!Shinazugawa i-"
Giyuu was cut off

"What the hell did that demon mean by u FUCKING DYING!?"
Sanemi grabbed Giyuu by his collar and sent him a death glare

"I-..I just *cough*"
Giyuu started to cough which Sanemi let go of him
More coughing soon Giyuu fell to his knees which led sanemi puzzled as he also knelt down, Giyuu didn't stop coughing though and soon he coughing up blood

"Oi Tomioka what the hell is happening!?"
Sanemi took out a handkerchief and desperately wiped Giyuu's mouth and soon Giyuu was feeling lightheaded, his world spinning faster like a carousel

Sanemi called out as Giyuu's body went limp but was caught by sanemi by a second
"Fuck..what the hell is going on with u.."
Sanemi cursed as he took Giyuu in a bridal style and brought him to shinobu


Giyuu flinched his eyes then squinted them trying to adjust to the lighting and the first thing he saw was.. Sanemi laying by his bed
"Shi.. Shinazugawa..?"
Giyuu sat up slowly as Sanemi jolted awake

"You're awake"
Sanemi said
"Kocho! His awake!"
Sanemi yelled

"What.. happened"
Giyuu asked after some time
"U better be honest right now"
Sanemi and Shinobu stood out in front of him

"Of what?"
Giyuu asked
"Tch, don't act dumb, about your damn health Tomioka "

"What do u mean..?, I'm fine!"
Giyuu smiled not noticing that blood was fucking dripping from he mouth

Shinobu furrowed her brows

"I-im fine! Honest..I'm fine"
Giyuu turned away

"Giyuu..we know that u know, u have a disease.."
Shinobu said

"I..yes I do"
Giyuu replied turned to them

"And u didn't fucking tell us!?"
Sanemi yelled

"Shinazugawa I don't even have 5 months to live anymore!!"
Giyuu yelled back as Sanemi's blood went cold as shinobu turned away , the tension they had was worrying

"The hell do u mean"
Sanemi said

"I have a disease , I got it from the foreign country I stayed in.., doctors said I'd have less than a year left"
Giyuu stated

"Why didn't u tell them..tell us?"
Sanemi said
"Didn't want u all to panic,start to worry or care"
Giyuu replied, it stayed quiet but then Sanemi hugged him

"Of course we would fucking care..we all do"
Giyuu felt tears building up and Shinobu hugged him

"..fine..u can tell the others.."
Giyuu said


Its been some time no what am I saying its been a month since it was announced that Giyuu was dying to a incurable disease, Everyone's been visiting everytime they'd get, Tanjiro and Nezuko would go every time they'd get but leaving after some time, Sanemi however was there from the morning till 8 when visiting hours were over , Sanemi noticed that everytime he'd spent time with Giyuu there was this indescribable feeling that made him.. happy, he asked help from mitsuri and of course he was in love, he hadn't noticed this but did recall the first time they'd met and it was the same feeling, the Very same goes for Giyuu having him red at the fact he fell for Sanemi so long ago!

Sanemi thought about confessing but got a plan, how he'd only confess after the Cherry blossoms would bloom! But when they did he was beens sent to a almost two week long mission, although it was fine in all but little did he know he would regret it.., Sanemi came back but saw Shinobu in her office crying and headed to Giyuu's room

"What the hell is happening??"
Sanemi thought as he walked towards giyuu's room to hear the crying get louder and louder till

Tanjiro cried gripped the side bed sheets as Nezuko shook giyuu's bed and there Sanemi saw Giyuu resting peacefully buy with a twist as he wasn't breathing, his mouth covered with red blood his blood, his eyes shut and would never open again as Sanemi ran to him

Sanemi touched his pulse, nothing
"Giyuu please!"
Sanemi begged  but he knew it was useless who he sat down and chuckled

"Ha.. never got the chance to tell u how much I love u now..huh..ha"
Sanemi choked on his tears

"If only I had done it sooner.."
Sanemi gave a painful smile

"I'm sorry"


Yaaa angstttt

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