The cold emperor's grave mistakes1?

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The story takes place with two empire's , Empire of the Wind, and Empire of the Water

Both Empire's were rivals for so long we'll all till the two crown prince's got engaged for alliance and peace.

Sanemi said

Giyuu paused then took a breath

"Guess you're my soon-to-be"
Sanemi said

"I.. I guess.."
Giyuu fiddling with his fingers

"U good?"
He asked

"I'm fine"
Which The taller male rolled his eyes and hugged the ravenette

"I don't bite"
Sanemi said

Giyuu looked up at him as Sanemi stared at his blue eyes
"U look pretty"

Giyuu turned red

"I said u look shitty!!, Haha! Bye!"
Sanemi ran out

Though the marriage was arranged the two princes somehow got along..! Well over time but they we're inlove, the so called cruel, 'aggressive' prince of the wind was actually very caring and loving of his beloved, While the ice cold prince the Water was very happy and joyous when he was with his'

"I'll see u soon my love"
Sanemi opened the carriage door
"See you soon too my dear"
Giyuu replied

"Oh come on it's just a quick visit home then we'll get married, Kay?"
Sanemi pecked giyuu's cheek

"Safe travels Nemi!!"
Giyuu waved

These are all gonna change after Emperor of the wind or should I say Kyogo will kill the majority of his family then himself,leaving Only The second eldest alive and the oldest, this turned the once loving and caring,gentle Sanemi that Giyuu knew gone and was replaced with a cold, cruel and crude of a man

When they finally married Sanemi didn't even spare a smile at Giyuu nor gave one when they we're taking pictures, what's worse was everytime Giyuu tried to talk to him he'd say his busy, or 'later'

"Nemi dear please talk to me!"
Giyuu pulled on his beloved husband's robe

"I said I'm busy didn't I!?"
Sanemi pulled giyuu hand and gripped it hard

"Ahh! Dear it hurts! Please!"
Giyuu cried out

"Dear please I!-"
Giyuu was hit by a palm and later a red mark could be seen on the side of his face

"Stop whining!!, And could u please leave!?"
Sanemi paused as an idea came in mind
"No.. Guards take him down to the cells!"

"C-cells!?, my dear please I just wanted to share a word with u!"
Giyuu cried as he was dragged away with Sanemi just gazing like he enjoyed it


Ever since then.. Giyuu would be locked up in a cell for a week with only 4-5 meals and almost no water if he'd ever talk back

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