Loner Figure Skater and Mr Captain hockey

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Mentions of SA


Giyuu Tomioka was a lil loner having no one will him and would get bullied or sometimes to the point of beating due to his feminine features and physic and probably he was also bullied as he known for his grace and precision on the ice. As a figure skater Which some people thought were gay or feminine, he'd glide across the frozen surface with effortless elegance, captivating audiences with each graceful movement. His performances were like poetry in motion, a testament to his dedication and talent. Yet, behind his serene facade, Giyuu harbored a sense of importance or love..

Meanwhile, Sanemi Shinazugawa was the High school Mr popular , Captain hockey shit or a force to be reckoned with on the hockey rink. With his fierce determination and relentless aggression, he dominated the game with an intensity that struck fear into the hearts of his opponents due to his so called scary scars, bad temper and a big muscular body added or fueled the fear. Sanemi thrived on the adrenaline rush of competition, channeling his pent-up energy into every powerful swing of his hockey stick. Yet, amidst the chaos of the game, he couldn't shake the feeling of emptiness that gnawed at his soul—a longing for something greater, something he couldn't quite name...but still craved it like how sometimes after a big game he'd see his teammates lover's congratulate them hug or say how much they worried..in all he wanted someone to be there to support and love him..he just didn't know who

Their paths crossed one fateful winter day at the local ice skating arena. Giyuu was practicing his routine on his own as his strict, professional yet perverted Trainor was caught trying to bed a Minor with no consent, got arrested, trialed and bam prisoned, lost in the fluidity of his movements or the fact he almost slipped and fell, when he caught sight of a group of hockey players on the adjacent rink. Among them was Sanemi, his fiery passion evident in every swift maneuver as he led his team to victory. Intrigued by the raw intensity of the game, Giyuu found himself drawn to the enigmatic hockey player, a spark of curiosity igniting within him as his heart beat was a tad bit faster
But again

Giyuu couldn't help but feel intimidated by Sanemi's aggressive demeanor having some trauma because of the bullies, while Sanemi viewed Giyuu with skepticism, dismissing him as just another "pretty boy" figure skater but soon changed his mind after seeing Giyuu just '..I'm uncomfortable'kind of way to girls who'd try to flirt and was intrigued how'd Giyuu who he thought would at least be some spoiled high headed arrogant bitch,was apologizing for just the smallest thing( man bummed into giyuu and spilled the drink on himself) or even tried to help and repay the man , Sanemi was interested in Giyuu and then asked

"Oi, Do any of all u know him?"

"Hm..Oh!- that loner pfft-don't even get me on him!


"Oh please the rumours I've Heard is that his the so called son of a rich bitch whatever trained since 4 his got a good face but he's all despressed and emo like what's wrong with his life??"

"Yeah?, Like bro - his got everything isn't his life perfect?"

*Cough* " and since when was agreeing and believing stupid ass rumours okay?"
Sanemi gave a glared

".. sorry Shinazugawa.."

"Good, all of u can go home or whatever, Dismissed "

After every teammate of Sanemi left , the ravenette's practice session was over, Sanemi approached Giyuu, his was heart pounding with nervous anticipation. Despite their contrasting personalities, the two found themselves drawn to each other, bound by a shared love for the ice. As they exchanged introductions

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