in another life my love

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During the fight between muzan*

The battle raged on, the air thick with the stench of blood and the echoes of cries. Bodies littered the ground, a grim testament to the ferocity of the conflict. Muzan, the demon king, was the focal point of their fury, his dark presence driving the Hashira's to their limits.

Amidst the chaos, Giyuu Tomioka and Sanemi Shinazugawa fought side by side, their determination unwavering despite the odds stacked against them. As Muzan made his escape, Giyuu's instincts kicked in, propelling him forward with reckless abandon.

"FUCK! He's escaping!" Giyuu's thoughts raced as he pursued Muzan, heedless of the risks.

With the sun beginning to rise, the Water Hashira, Tomioka, made a desperate decision, sacrificing himself to hold Muzan down. In the ensuing chaos, Giyuu found himself slashed by Muzan's vicious attack, sent hurtling through the air.

"Giyuu!" Sanemi's voice cut through the turmoil as he raced to catch his fallen comrade, his heart pounding with fear and determination.

Time blurred as the battle raged on, until finally, Muzan lay defeated, his reign of terror brought to an end. But amidst the celebrations, Tanjiro's worried cry pierced the air, igniting a sense of dread in the hearts of those gathered.

"We found them!" The announcement shattered the fragile peace, leaving Tanjiro trembling with apprehension.


Before everything, Giyuu lay in Sanemi's arms, his breaths shallow but steady. Sanemi's haori, stained with Giyuu's blood, served as a makeshift bandage, a feeble attempt to staunch the flow.

"Nemi..." Giyuu's voice was weak, his gaze flickering with pain.

"Yes, dear?" Sanemi's voice was tender, his heart breaking at the sight of Giyuu's suffering.

"Did... we win...?" Giyuu's words came out in halting gasps, his strength waning with each passing moment.

"We did," Sanemi replied softly, brushing a stray lock of hair from Giyuu's face. "You should rest."

As silence settled around them, Giyuu's confession hung in the air like a fragile thread, binding them together in a moment of vulnerability.

"I really wanted to marry you," Sanemi whispered, tears glistening in his eyes.

Giyuu's heart clenched at tears unconscious tears fell from the raw honesty in Sanemi's words, his own tears mingling with Sanemi's as he held him close.

"I wanted that too," Giyuu confessed, his voice choked with emotion smiling sadly as he couldn't..will he couldn't in this life.

"But You know even if we can't in this life, I'll find you in the next. I promise."
Sanemi said with sincerity, Giyuu then smile at bittersweet word's of his beloved, his eyes fluttering closed as exhaustion claimed him. "I'll be waiting for you," he murmured, his words barely a whisper.

And so, as the sun rose on a new day, Giyuu and Sanemi found solace in each other's arms, their love transcending the boundaries of life and death. And as they drifted into eternal slumber, their spirits intertwined in an unbreakable bond that would endure for all eternity.

And it was like that

Giyuu rested his head on sanemi's chest while Sanemi wrapped his hands around Giyuu, securing him right and safe..

The kakushi's tried to separate them but sanemi's grip was too strong, they both had to be buried with eachother although it was a heart breaking also actually sweet as even death couldn't separate them now..


548 words bc there is no Merin..

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