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*spice like spicy spice (I think)*


Giyuu stood at the kitchen sink, finishing the last of the dishes with efficient movements. The moonlight cast long shadows across the room, adding an air of mystery to the evening. As he dried his hands, he felt a pair of arms wrap around his waist from behind, pulling him close. Sanemi pressed his body against Giyuu's, his breath hot against Giyuu's ear.

"Come on, Giyuu," Sanemi growled, his voice low and husky. "Enough with the chores. It's time for something more exciting."

Giyuu tilted his head slightly, a smirk playing on his lips. "Oh? And what did you have in mind?"

Sanemi's hands roamed lower, teasing the hem of Giyuu's shirt. "I think you know exactly what I want," he murmured, his voice dripping with desire.

Giyuu's breath hitched as Sanemi's lips trailed along his neck, sending shivers down his spine. "Sanemi,-!" he gasped, his hands reaching back to tangle in Sanemi's hair.

With a swift movement, Sanemi spun Giyuu around to face him, their bodies flush against each other. The hunger in Sanemi's eyes ignited something primal within Giyuu, and he responded eagerly, meeting Sanemi's lips in a heated kiss.

Their kiss was fierce and passionate, fueled by months of pent-up desire. Hands roamed freely, exploring every inch of each other's bodies as they surrendered to the intoxicating heat between them.

As they finally broke apart, breathless and flushed, Giyuu smirked up at Sanemi. "Bed sounds like a great idea," he purred, his voice laced with promise.

Sanemi grinned, his eyes smoldering with desire. "I couldn't agree more."

With that, they abandoned the dishes and made their way to the bedroom, where they would spend the night exploring each other's desires in the moonlit darkness.

In the bedroom, the air crackled with anticipation as Giyuu and Sanemi shed their clothes with eager haste, their eyes never leaving each other's heated gaze. Naked and unashamed, they stood before each other, bodies illuminated by the soft moonlight filtering through the curtains.

With a hungry growl, Sanemi closed the distance between them, pressing Giyuu against the bed with a force that sent a thrill of excitement coursing through Giyuu's veins. Their lips crashed together once more, a fierce battle of tongues and teeth that left them both gasping for air.

Giyuu arched his back, his fingers digging into Sanemi's shoulders as he surrendered himself to the fiery passion consuming them both. Sanemi's touch was electric against his skin, igniting flames of desire that threatened to consume them both.

With a desperate need, Sanemi trailed hot kisses down Giyuu's neck, leaving a trail of fire in his wake. Giyuu's breath hitched as Sanemi's lips moved lower, leaving a path of heated kisses along his chest and abdomen, each touch sending sparks of pleasure shooting through Giyuu's body.

As the night progressed, their passion only intensified, the intensity building with each passing moment. They explored each other with a raw hunger, their bodies moving in perfect sync as they chased pleasure with reckless abandon.

Giyuu's back arched off the bed, his nails digging into Sanemi's back as waves of ecstasy crashed over him again and again. Sanemi's touch was electric, igniting a fire within Giyuu that threatened to consume him whole.

Their movements grew frenzied, driven by an insatiable desire that knew no bounds. They were lost in each other, their moans and whispers mingling in the air as they surrendered to the overwhelming sensation of pleasure.

The dim light of the moon, they were a tangle of limbs and passion, their bodies moving together in a primal dance of desire. Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in each other, the outside world fading away until there was only the two of them, bound together in ecstasy.

As dawn broke and the first light of morning crept through the window.

they lay tangled together, breathless and sated, their hearts beating as one
When they finally collapsed against each other, spent and breathless, they lay entwined in a cocoon of warmth and love. In that moment, nothing else mattered but the connection they shared, a bond forged in the fire of their passion

As Giyuu drifted into a peaceful slumber, Sanemi quietly slipped out of bed, his mind racing with thoughts of how he could ensure Giyuu's comfort and well-being. First, he stripped the sheets from the bed, his heart heavy with guilt as he saw the evidence of their passion staining the fabric. With a sigh, he carried them to the laundry room, determined to wash away any trace of their intensity.

Returning to the bedroom, Sanemi glanced at Giyuu, who slept peacefully. With a tender smile, he gently brushed the hair from Giyuu's forehead before turning his attention to the task at hand. Carefully, he filled a basin with warm water and fetched a soft cloth. Sitting beside Giyuu, he began to cleanse Giyuu's skin, his touch gentle and reverent as he washed away the remnants of their passion.

Giyuu stirred slightly, a soft sigh escaping his lips as Sanemi's touch soothed him. With a tender smile, Sanemi whispered words of love and reassurance, his voice a gentle murmur in the quiet of the room.

After ensuring Giyuu was clean and refreshed, Sanemi helped him into a fresh pair of pajamas, his fingers lingering on Giyuu's skin as he dressed him. Once Giyuu was settled and comfortable, Sanemi tucked the blankets around him, ensuring he was warm and cozy.

Finally, with Giyuu resting peacefully beside him, Sanemi slipped into bed, pulling the covers up to his chin. He pressed a soft kiss to Giyuu's temple, his heart swelling with love and tenderness for the man lying beside him.

As they drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms, Sanemi knew that he would do anything to care for and protect Giyuu, to ensure that their love would endure through every trial and tribulation.



Idk why just wanted to clean my head lol


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