The day we met1?

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*MDZS au
Changed a few things*

Giyuu was known for his talents at a young age the age of 6, Ever since his parents and later on his only sisters death he'd been sent to live with a relative or The Gānlù-sì Sect(mitsuri)
He's father was an unknown as a subordinate who worked day till night with the his wives sect leader or father, His mother was known to be a woman of high cultivation and spiritual power who saved the mother of mitsuri and was best friends with her but it was never known what kind of sect she was from..

Sanemi was known for being the cruel,rude and completely an ass to everyone, he was heir to the sect of Bùxiǔ hé, His father used to a responsible and reliable sect leader till his wife, Sanemi's Mother died from an illness and had been in seclusion and since then his uncle(pretend he has one)had been the one who'd take care and took responsibility with the sect.

The two never seemed to knew eachother till a meeting of both sect's had been made and soon agreement between them


"Eeek! A-yuu Hsinchu(got it from goggle) is very pretty right!"
Mitsuri giggled as she walked with Giyuu who was wearing white robes that made him look like an angel

" looks so peaceful"
Giyuu gave a smile but it was barely noticeable

"Anyways were here!"
Mitsuri ran up to the barrier

"No Invitations, No entry"

"Oh wait Right- ha- where is..uhm..Yuu I may have left them at the inn.."
Mitsuri turned to Giyuu who sighed

"Excuse me..but we may have accidentally left the invitation"
Mitsuri said

"Then u all may not enter"

"Please!! It was just a lil accident!"
Mitsuri whined
"Uri-jie we should just no u all should sit, I'll get them "
Giyuu suggested
"Just be careful!..I heard there's some..u know..kind of men here and u know your so pretty!"
A sect member said

Giyuu walked away
"I'll be-"
Giyuu hit someones chest

"Oi! Watch were your fucking looking at!!'
A voice yelled as Giyuu shifted a bit away and bowed

"Sorry i wasn't looking, may I just pass through"
Giyuu stood straight

"Tch no"
Sanemi gave his famous glare
"The hell are u even here?"

"That information I cannot provide u"
Giyuu monotonely said

" do u know that I am Bùxiǔ hé Sanemi!'
Sanemi yelled

"No..and I apologize if I hadn't known but again the heir was said to be hot-headed"
Giyuu replied

"Tch!, Quite bold of u to say it.."
Sanemi drew his sword
"If you're so great then come on!, have a spar with me.."

"..I have to decline..I'm busy"
Giyuu replied

"What scared I'd makeup bring shame to your sect!?"
Sanemi grinned as Giyuu shot his head up and soon drew his sword
"Heh, That's what I'm talking about!"
Sanemi launched at giyuu full speed and gave an attack with Giyuu blocked with by using his sword, Sanemi began unleashing his attacks not sparing one mercy while Giyuu, who was also known for his defense was matching with Sanemi's speed
"Ha! And u said u didn't want to!! Come on stop defending and fucking attack me!!"
Sanemi started going on a more difficult and hard pace but still Giyuu managed, it was all going good all till a..

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