Chapter 12

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Ick and Whore both picked me up and carried me across the threshold of our new "home", which was just a dingy apartment. It was the only one in the Dauntless compound that could fit two king size beds right next to each other.

Both Ick and Whore were holding onto separate sides of me when they started to pull aggressively at me. "I want to be the one to put her down!"

"Fuck you, Ick, I found her first. Finders keepers"

The two boys dropped me on my supple ass with a BONK. Ick and Whore both started fighting each other. Ick was the first to throw a punch. Whore wasn't going to let this slide. I was watching in awe as they both met each other physically.

"Guys stop! I can't watch you do this over me. I know I am so small, but there is enough of me to go around!"

At this, they looked at me and stopped their brawl. I made eye contact with Whore first, then Ick. And suddenly, a cold shiver ran down my spine. Instinctively, I stood up, my eyes scanning the surroundings of our new apartment. There, across the room, stood Jeanine, the cunning and calculating leader of Erudite. She was the one who was trying to overthrow the government.

A smirk played at Jeanine's lips, reveling in her satisfaction at catching us in this intimate moment. Ick, sensing the shift in the atmosphere, turned his head to follow my gaze. His expression darkened as he locked eyes with Jeanine.

"Oh, Ick," Jeanine scoffed. She was wearing nothing but his underwear. "Did you tell them about us before you got married—"

"STOP!" Ick shouted.

"NO!" Jeanine fired back.


"Did you tell them about how after we fucked we dreamed of overthrowing Abnegation.'s funny that you changed your mind. I always thought you hated Stiffs."

"IM MARRIEDDDDD" Ick screamed. 
"I know you're married. But are you happy just being a Dauntless leader? You could have so much more if those pesky altruists weren't in the way. You could lead the whole city."

"I—I've changed," Ick moaned, he was crying now. Hot tears spilt down his face and landed on his toes. "I don't want that life anymore. Why are we fighting Divergents? Why are we fighting the Abnegation?"

"They are blood sucking sluts. That bitch Marcus dumped me for that stupid twink of his. I will have JUSTICE."

"You're not still gonna mind control them lol are you?"

Whore and I turned to Ick at the same time. Whore looked just as shocked as me. "WHAT," we both cried.

"I'm sorry Pissbaby, I'm sorry Whore. I should've told you. I didn't fall in love with you until capture the fag. Can't everything before then be water under the bridge now?"

"You were going to kill our friends in Abnegation!" I cried.

"We should forgive him," Whore whispered. "Think...what would Jesus do?"

"Omg so true bestie. Praise the Lord. We forgive you ig Ick."

"Thank you guys," Ick cried. "But wait, where is Jeanine?"

"Idrc Ick. I'm horny. Let's fuck." Whore breathed.

"Alright bet,"

The sound of Ick crawling out of bed woke me up. It was late, still dark.

"Ick...what are you doing up this late?"

Ick didn't reply. It was almost like he was in a trance. I threw a pillow at him but he didn't regard it. Only when I looked out the window of our apartment, did I realize something was wrong. Everyone was following each other in a straight line, stuck in a hypnotic trance. I ran over to Whore and shook him. Maybe our Divergence affected us. Maybe that's why we weren't sheep.

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