Chapter 10

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The morning of our wedding came quicker than anyone had expected. Whore was right, I shouldn't have been thinking of Jeanine. Love was more important. All three of us split into our respective rooms because it was bad luck to see each other before the wedding.

I sat in front of my mirror, the soft glow of candlelight casting a warm ambience around the room. "Today is the day," I thought, "I will become Mrs. Icky Whore." As I brushed my hair, a sudden knock interrupted the quiet. Opening it cautiously, I was met with the sight of Whore, a mischievous grin playing on his lips. Stinky Delicious pulsed in his pants.

"Whore?" I whispered, surprised. "What are you doing here? It's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding!"

Behind Whore, a bark was sounded.

"Ick?" I questioned, peering around Whore's tall frame. He barked again, his eyes sparkling with warmth. "I know, I know. But I couldn't resist seeing my beautiful bride. Just pretend I'm not here."

Whore pushed past the threshold of my door, "Wow, this place looks amazing. Just like you."

A blush crept onto my cheeks as he walked closer, gently taking my small, teeny, tiny frame in his ginormous, strong hands. I let out a small whine as he pulled me in close to his body. I could hear Ick give a low growl of jealousy from behind Whore. He came up and surrounded both me and Whore in his strong arms.

Ick bent over and placed a tender kiss on the small of my back, right above my ass crack. I let out a little poot in excitement and Ick sniffed it all up in his pierced nostrils. I could almost see the stench come through the piercing holes.

"I love you, Piss. I love your farts too. Today, we start a new chapter together, and I—I couldn't be happier." Ick crowed, a tear cascading down his cheek.

I watch as Ick and Whore start kissing, and a pang of jealousy hitting me as I see them so wrapped up in each other. Unable to resist, I join in, pressing my lips against Whore's as Ick's strong arms wrap around us both again.
Ick's hands explore my body, sending shivers down my spine as Whore's skilled fingers intertwine with mine. Our lips move in a rhythm that feels both foreign and familiar as we become lost in the moment. Whore's soft lips meet mine, and I can feel Ick's rough hands running down my sides.

"Say something sexy," Whore manages through gritted teeth. He pushes Ick down. Ick stays seated.

"Im so little, I'm so skinny, I'm rubbing lotion on myself...oh there's so much lotion." I manage, unsure if he likes what I'm saying

"Te—tell me how little you are." Whore's face is flushed. He's obviously turned on.

"I'm so tiny, I could fit in the palm of your hand."

"Smaller, smaller."

"I—I could dance on the tip of your finger like a tiny bug, like an ant."

"Smaller, smaller, smaller. Tell me you could stand on the head of a pin."

"I could stand on the head of a pin, I'm so tiny. I can rub lotion on me on the head of a pin. And I wouldn't need a lot of lotion because I'm on a pin."

"Yeah, yeah. If you were on the head of the pin, Stinky Delicious would be huge. It would be giant to you."


"Yeah it would be giant to you."

"Oh yes it would. Stinky Delicious would be so big if I was the size of an ant. It would feel like the entire world, Whore. It would be my entire world."

"Uh, yeah. It would be the ground you walk on," Whore groaned.

"Oh yes, Whore. I would walk all over Stinky Delicious."

"You would go sightseeing."


"You would go sightseeing on my cock."

"I could go sightseeing, I could look around the crevices and cracks of your foreskin. I could wander through the forest of your pubic hair.

"Keep going."

"I could sleep on the soft bed of your scrotum."

"Keep going."

"I could bathe in a drop of your cum."

"Would you go inside the hole?"

"In your piss slit?"


"I could explore the cavern that is your urethra, like I was Lewis and Clark."

"Let's go. My peen is a cave system."

"Yes, it is a cave system. Exactly like that."

"I could build a tiny little house on Stinky Delicious because it is so big and I am so small."

At this point, Whore was getting close. "Oh yeah, Pissbaby, h—how many stories. How many stories is the house?"


"More, flop."

"It could be five or six stories, maybe even seven. Idk there's so much room. The house would be so small relative to Stinky Delicious. I could build a compound."

"Oh a compound?"

"Yes, and I could build a pool. I could use some of your bodily fluid to build a pool and I could invite all the mites crawling around and have a pool party."

"Oh yeah."

"There would be so much fluid, I could build multiple pools and have multiple parties with all the bugs. And after swimming all day we could string a few hammocks between your pubes."

"DFKSDFKSDKHJKSDFK," Whore cried. He was finishing.

"And we could sway on our hammocks."


"Just release Whore." I whispered. "Just release baby."

He releases all over my shirt and slumps to the ground in relief. That's when Ick catches my eye. He was watching us the whole time, sucking his thumb.

Ick picked Whore up from behind with ease. "All right champ, we have a wedding to get ready for." Whore's head lolled back and rested on Ick's shoulder. He pulled him out of the room and we all prepared for our day of holy matrimony.

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