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Time skip

At night

Author pov
After All the rituals and other functions finally the wedding came to the end with all thing's gone best And it was the Best day ever for the bride and groom and it was really memorable both of them and the other guests too and it was already Late evening and Both families send away the bride and groom to Home and there all will come back after sending of the guests and looking After all the other things so Jungkook and taehyung was in the car now And was going home and Jungkook was driving the car And taehyung was seating in the passanger seat and Jungkook was driving From quite 30 minutes And he was looking at taehyung From time to time who was asleep Already after she was crying nonstop because of parting away from her family yeah it's quite hard for girl's to part away from There families and taehyung was feeling the same and Jungkook knows taehyung was never been away from her family so it's really hard for her And he felt sad seeing her crying but it's ok he will take care of her and his family will be her second family like There always been from There childhood And if she wanna met her family she can freely go And met them anytime after all There are staying in one City only Just little far away that's all she can met her parents in distance of Just minutes and thinking about all this he was watching taehyung from time to time and seeing her head being placed on the window And falling asleep sounding with pouting with her Cute lip's doing nothing but sleeping she was looking the cutest And seeing her like this Jungkook was chuckling to himself only

Jk-"awwwwww why are you so Cute my wifely 😍😍😍"
*Jungkook saying to himself he was shaking his head smiling like an idiot seeing his CUSTEST WIFE sleeping CUTELY 😙😙😙*

Few moments later

Jk-"finally We are Home my sleeping Beauty"
*Jungkook parked the car infront of there House no no it's an mansion and he looked at taehyung side And Yess his sleeping Beauty is still sleeping peacefully don't even know there's reached home and Then he removed his seat belt and got out of the car and slowly opened the other side car door and slowly removed taehyung seat belt And slowly took her in his arms And took her in a bridal style And closed the door from his legs And started walking inside his House with his bride in a bridal style

Author -"what could be More romantic than this 🙈😳 Right guys 🤭🤭"

*And Then he came across his room or let's say there's room now And he went inside And slowly go towards There bed and placed her gently on the bed and kept admiring her And cress her chubby cheeks and kissed her forehead*

Jk-"My wifely why are you so Cute 😍😍"
*Then after admiring her sometimes he covered her with blanket and he left the room to the guest room and came back changing his clothes and he stopped in his way when He saw that taehyung was awake and was seating in the edge of bed and removing her jewelry and then there eyes met and both smile at each other and Jungkook gone and seat infront of taehyung*

Jk-"so you're awake sleeping Beauty"
*Jungkook chuckled and taehyung become embarrassed*

Tae-"Yeah sorry actually i was really tired so I don't know when I fallen asleep sorry"

Jk -"aygoooo no sorry my wifely i can understand you're tired from all day Long and you're this heavy dress was not helping either so it's okay no sorry okay"

Tae-"okay Jungkook"
*Taehyung was smiling at Jungkook being always so much understanding And then Jungkook saw taehyung was struggling with removing her hair style and her hair pins*

Jk-"Wait wifely let me help you okay"

Tae-"okay Jungkook"
*Then taehyung turned around And her back was facing Jungkook And he slowly slowly removed one by one clips And kept them one by one on taehyung hands*

Jk-"Finally done"

Tae-"Yeah thank you"

Jk-"always welcome baby"
*Taehyung smile shyly with his each new new nick names 😳😳😳 and then she was done collecting all her jewelry she kept them in the dressing table And she would keep them inside There boxs Tommorow*

To Be continued.........

[Watch The episode] available on My YouTube Channel also link to My YouTube is in my bio don't forget to subscribe it And support me and click on the Star ⭐ button for Taekook 😘😘😘 And Have a beautiful day or night saranghaeooooo my sweetheart's

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