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Jk-"sorry sorry Jasmine"

Jasmine-"no i can't Take your sorry Jungkookieee you really made me wait for so long"

Jk-"sorry actually I was busy eating My wife's delicious snacks so I totally forgot you not My fault My wife is best

Jasmine-"okayyyyyyy okayyyyyyy i agree with you and you're right your wife's cooking is really to good And yess she is the best and so much beautiful and gorgeous too But i don't know one thing Jungkook"

Jk-"And what's that Jasmine tell me"

Jasmine -"Jungkook it's how did you become so much lucky to have such a beautiful girl has your wife 😍😍😍 I am really really Jealous of you"

Jk-"Geezzzzz girl your this attitude only makes me think twice if your into girl 😣😣😣"

Jasmine -"yeeahhhhhhh what are you even saying Geezzzzz you're too much And for your kind information i am straight girl And i Like boys and I was saying it's if by chance i was boy i would really have stolen away this Beauty The wife of your from you 🤪🤪🤪"

Jk-"Don't even think about it i Will kill you 😐😐😐🔪🔪🔪"

Jasmine-"yeah sure i am so so much scared 🤪🤪🤪"
*Both Jungkook and Jasmine Best Freinds  Breicking continued while whole family was laughing and chuckling seeing them Indeed there looked really Best Freinds 😂😂😂 who loves teasing and pulling each other legs and Taehyung was red tomato because of what There were saying about her and Taehyung Jealous was gone and she was not feeling any Jealous at all and smile thinking there both are best Freinds Just like she and Rose was and teasing And Breicking which only best Freinds do and Jasmine seems like a really good girl only so taehyung was not Jealous anymore infact she was happy thinking she Will get a new girl Bestie And Jasmine seems Like a really interesting personality so Taehyung was looking forward to know Jasmine and If possible become her best friend too*

To Be continued.........

[Watch The episode] available on My YouTube Channel also link to My YouTube is in my bio don't forget to subscribe it And support me and click on the Star ⭐ button for Taekook 😘😘😘 And Have a beautiful day or night saranghaeooooo my sweetheart's

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