Episode 6

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Today in 1D oops....

We will find out why Zayn has been missing and where he has been.


Zayn was walking through the park. Suddenly he saw grease tracks and could smell lard. He started to hear squealing coming through a bush.
"Who's there?" He said getting anxious.
"Naughty naughty" said a big lard ball coming from the bush. He was a very ugly vile creature. He was shirtless and had grease leaking from his flab.
"What are you ?!" Said Zayn backing up.

"I'm Naughty Boy and now you will work with me." Said naughty boy throwing chicken nuggets at Zayn. Zayn tried to shield himself from the nuggets but then naughty boy farted and his fart gas put Zayn to sleep. He pulled a bin bag from his flab and shoved Zayn inside it and then locked Zayn in the basement.

End of flashback.

That is where Zayn has been for many months. The boys thought he had left one direction but he hadn't he had just been kidnapped. They stayed in his basement.

The boys missed Zayn so they looked for them. They got dogs to smell his scent. All the dogs caught was the smell of grease. They followed the trails and it lead to the basement of a house. Louis used harrys head to smash the door open. They barged in and walked right into Naughty Boy's so called 'music studio'. The smell of trash was overwhelming and there was Zayn tied to a leash in the corner.


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