Episode 5

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Today the boys will be doing some other social work.

Today they will be helping a pregnant woman give birth.

Harry and the boys reached the hospital woman where the lady was lying. She farted.

"It's a bit gassy in here" said Louis trying to get high off the fart gas.

"Now, please do not do a anything bad." Said LIAM smacking Louis head.

Harry started poking the woman's belly. He then looked into her belly button to see if he could see the baby. LIAM prepared the injection for the woman. Niall was eating popcorn.

Suddenly the woman started to roll and she said her water broke.

Harry went to get some glue and tape.

LIAM slapped him.

The baby was coming out.

Louis was getting annoyed at the mothers screams so he took a flower vase and hit her head with it.

"Dumbass she won't push now ARE U STUPID the baby will die !!!" said LIAM

Louis just shrugged.

Harry said he had an idea so he started to pull the baby out with his hands.

"Ew he's slippery!" Said Harry

"Turn the bath on Niall so we can bath him when he's out." Said Louis.

Suddenly Harry grabbed the baby too fast and he slipped out his hands. The baby flew onto Louis lap luckily.

The umbilical cord was still attached to him.

Harry decided to make it act like a bungee jumping rope and for the baby to start bunjee jumping.

Liam grabbed the baby off Harry and placed it in the water. Niall had accidnetally put boiling water on instead of mild. The baby cried. Niall took him out the water quickly but he slipped out his hands and fell on the floor.

He was ok though but he was hungry. Niall left the building and came back with Nandos. He tried make the kid eat it but he chocked.
Liam saved him by making him cough it out. He put the baby to sleep making them leave the room.

"So glad no one died today!" Said liam
"And the mum will be so happy to see the baby!" He said again. He sure was happy.

"Oh we were supposed to give it back ?" Said harry cuddling the baby in the back of the car.

Liam suddenly pressed the break pedal out of shock. Harry stole the baby!

He pressed the brake pedal too hard.
The baby flew into the windscreen smashing it.

"Oh." Said harry.

Oops they did it again.

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