Babysitting part 2

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It was naughty boy at the door.

He took the baby from Louis arms.

He ate it.

He choked on the dummy.

He ran to the toilet.

Niall was sitting on it.

He pushed niall off.

He sat his bum on the toilet.

It didn't fit.

He pooped the dummy out.

The baby was dead sadly it's remains got pooped out and were merged with poo.

Louis framed them on the wall and ran out the house with the boys.

Harry tripped on the way out on the hose.

And old lady was coming their way.

He fell on her. It was Mary Loo.

He said sorry and dusted himself off but she was mad.

She hit him with the walking stick in the balls.

He yelped in pain.

The old lady walked over to louis and asked him for weed.

He gave it to her and then carried harry to the car and shoved him in the boot.

Just as the parents arrived they took off leaving the parents standing there confused.

The parents walked in and saw the frame with the poo and remains.

They screamed and ripped their hair out.

They had bald patches.

Naughty boy barged into the house because he forgot his phone.

He saw the parents and ate them too.

Thanks for reading and sorry for not updating.

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