chapter 2: Elio

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It was the light of the Italian sun that roused me from my alcohol-induced slumber—groaning as I reached for the bedside clock. Blinking blearily at the display screen. I grunt and slam the clock back down, covering my head with my pillows and slipping back into a deep sleep. I'm woken a few minutes later when I was doused with frigid water.

I bolted upwards, sputtering, turning to glare at the culprit of such an unforgivable act. It was Narcissa, my little sister. A true vestige of Italian beauty. Five-foot-six inches of olive skin wrapped around an hourglass figure. Her petite face was framed by long raven curls that fell in waves over her shoulders. She had one hand pressed against a trim waist, and in the other, she clutched a large wooden pail. Her wine-colored lips pulled into an annoyed grimace.

"I do hope you weren't planning on sleeping all day, Fratello. You have a job to do." I turned, glaring up at my sister balefully, pushing my wet curls out of my eyes.

"You couldn't have woken me up nicely, Narcissa?" She scoffs, tossing the pail into the corner of the room before making her way to my closet, yanking the wooden doors open and peering inside.

"No. YOU are the one who decided to go out and party till the wee hours of the morning, not me. And YOU are the one with a hangover, not me." She states rifling through the closet, making noises of disgust as she tosses clothes over her shoulders. I huff out a laugh, leaning forward as I propped my head up in my hand, watching her in amusement.

"When did you become my keeper, little sister?" I hear her scoff.

"Since you are obviously incapable of taking care of yourself or making decent decisions, someone has to do it for you. Unfortunately, that person has to be me. Now get your lazy culo out of bed. Enrique is waiting for you in the study." She calls turning, throwing a black fitted V-neck and a pair of leather pants at the side of my head, replacing my smug smirk with an annoyed scowl. She crosses her arms and looks at me, raising a perfectly arched brow, waiting for me to get out of bed. I sigh and reach for my covers before pausing, peering over at Narcissa.

"Do you mind?" I swept my hand over my bare torso, and the sheet shielding me from my sister's eyes. Narcissa snorts, rolling her eyes as she makes her way towards the door, her Prada heels clicking loudly against the marble floor.

"Don't flatter yourself, brother, and hurry up. Enrique doesn't like to be kept waiting." She calls, glancing over her shoulder before slamming the door shut behind her. I rolled my eyes.

"Who are you telling Sorellina? I have the marks to prove it." I mumbled, throwing back my covers, standing, and stretching. Sighing happily when my stiff muscles loosen. I yawn, absently rubbing at the constellation of burn marks and scars that adorn my chest and stomach—stopping when my fingers graze the brand on my right pec. The brand was in the shape of Cerberus, the three-headed hound who guards the gates of the underworld. This mark brands me a demigod; a Son of Hades.

As I trace the dark raised lines, I'm reminded of the day I received both the brand and my powers. It was the day of my sixth birthday; I had snuck away from Nonna Emilia to visit my mother, Renata, who had been stricken with an incurable disease. I was so excited to see her, but the scene that was waiting for me would change my life forever.

The scene had been orchestrated by a madman. The man was Enrique Vasquez, the leader of I Re de Ferro, the Iron Kings. the deadliest mob in Italy. They had complete control over Verona and Venice, and some of Sicily. Anyone who dared to cross them often met a nasty fate. Enrique was well known for his arsenal of demigod muscle, which he used to get anything he wanted, and I would be his crown jewel. The next day, Enrique and a few of his goons appeared at Emilia's cottage for me. Emilia was a stubborn old woman; she refused him and tried to send him away. Enrique, outraged by the old woman's audacity, shot her point-blank and stole me and my sister from where we were hiding in a secret compartment under the floor. Enrique found Narcissa to be a rare beauty. She's his greatest trophy. He makes sure to keep Narcissa close to him to use as collateral, so my loyalty doesn't falter.

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