chapter 5: elio

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This job was taking too long for my liking. it had been a week since I received it and I wasn't any closer to finishing it. it was unbelievably annoying. I stick close to her shadow as she leaves the house. She likes to walk to the college to meet Dalancey outside her dorm. She makes such an easy target. Clumsy, oblivious to her surroundings, and far too trusting. This should be as easy as taking candy from a baby. I watched as she left her first class, she was trying to shove a book into her backpack, oblivious to where she was walking, and walked right into an open door.

"Ow, shit!" she called, clutching her forehead. I chuckle. She keeps this up and she'll take herself out before I can. Following in her shadow, she makes her way towards the west side of the college where the lounge is. It's a place where the students can relax, play games or just interact with each other. There was a large flat screen tv mounted on the wall. A group of guys were currently huddled around it as a wrestling match played on the screen. There was a Starbucks tucked into a corner on the far left of the room. It had an outdoor patio with picnic tables. Andromeda made her way through the crowded room to where her friend Dalancey was waiting. She was lounging on a couch cozied up to some guy. He looked like he walked out of a fifty's greaser movie, complete with a leather jacket and slicked-back hair. They were disgustingly cute. I watched as he pressed a kiss to her nose. I sneer and look away. Disgusting. Andromeda finally made her way over to the. Dalancey turned with a bright smile on her face.

"Well hello there sunshine! done with your first class?" andromeda nodded and collapsed on the sofa beside Dalancey. She curled up into Dalancey's side, her head laying on Dalancey's shoulder. Dalancey smiled, her hand coming up to stroke Andromeda's head.

"Aww, my poor sleepy baby. It's okay mama's got you." Dalancey cooed. Andromeda shoved her playfully with her shoulder and smiled. The boy stood up.

"Well, I shall fetch my two queens caffeinated beverages to heal what ails them," he calls in a fake British accent bowing. Both girls laugh and throw pillows at his bowing head. He laughs and takes off towards the Starbucks. Andromeda rolled her eyes and leaned back on the couch. She sunk back into the cushions leaning her head on the back of the sofa as her eyes fluttered closed. I had to admit she was pretty. She looked exhausted though. There were dark circles starting to form under her eyes. considering all the late-night studying she had been doing the last week it wasn't very surprising. not to mention the two abominations she had for older brothers. I got a headache just thinking about last weekend, having to listen to them argue and fight was giving e a headache. Dalancey must have sensed it too.

"Are you getting enough sleep, Andi?" Andromeda smiled but didn't open her eyes.

"Yeah...." she mumbled. It was clear she was falling asleep. Her body was going limp, her head starting to fall towards the gorgon. she furrowed her brow as the boy came back with a drink carrier in one hand and a bagel hanging from his mouth. He pauses when he sees andromeda.

"Wow, she passed out," he called, around the bagel. He set the tray down on the little table in front of them. the gorgon readjusted Andromeda so she was leaning against her. the boy chuckled and sits on the table facing them. I sneer and grab onto the obsidian skull hanging from my neck. it glowed as I flopped down on a stool beside the sofa where the girls were sitting. The boy smiled at the girls. He noticed the look on the girl's face.

"your scales are showing. what is it, my love?" Dalancey sighed looking down at andromeda's sleeping form.

"I don't know how much longer I can do this Liam."

"Do what babe?"

"this. protecting her. I know any day now she'll get her mark and then she'll have to leave. I don't." she stops choking on her words. I see tears filling up her eyes. the boy reaches forwards, gasping her hand, his thumb rubbing her knuckles. she swallows. When she continues her voice shakes. "I don't know if I can say goodbye to her. I can't."

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