Chapter 10: andromeda

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I didn't know where I was going. All I knew was I had to keep running. When I reached the Lakeyard, I hide behind a large low-hanging magnolia tree. I sink to the wet ground, burying my head in my knees, sobbing. Why was all this happening to me? I didn't know why, but I knew Dalancey and Liam were gone. This added to my anguish. I've lost everything now. I'm all alone. Truly, this time. The rain soaked me to the bone. I sniffed and looked up. No. this wasn't the time to feel sorry for myself. I needed a plan. Elio wouldn't be far behind me. I thought for a moment, then I realized. Ibrahim. He could help me, standing and looking around. What I needed right now was a phone. the Lakeyard was deserted. I needed a phone. I could bang on the front doors. Somebody was bound to open up, right? I sigh, running my fingers through my wet hair. That's stupid. No one would open the door at this time of the night.

Shaking my head, I stand up. I had to keep moving. The library was dark as I approached. There was still no one in sight. I hear rustling behind me, followed by a low growl echoing from behind me. I turn, a figure steps out of the brush around the library. It stepped into the light of a street lamp. It looked like an oversized German Shepherd. I swallowed a sigh of relief.

"well hello there cutie. am i glad to see you." I called taking a step towards the dog. "where's your owner huh?" I look around for its owner but there was no one in sight. It approached, snarling at me. Another one bounds up behind me. it looked like the first except it had tan fur instead of a dark coat like the first. I was surrounded. Swallowing a lump of fear as they circle me slowly. Preparing myself for a fight, I grab a large branch from out of a bush.

"Now, now Bella. there's nowhere to run. You're out of options." A voice sounded from my right. I let out a sob. It was Elio. I turn to him. He was bloodied, and it didn't look like his own. I felt my eyes tear up. A mixture of anger and sadness welling up in my chest.

"What do you want from me?" I snap out, glaring daggers at him. Maybe if I was lucky, looks really could kill. i took a step towards him. the German Shepherd snatches the tree branch out of my hand snapping it in two in it's mouth.

"I want you to come quietly. No muss, no fuss. You're out of your league Bella. you couldn't possibly hope to stand a chance in a fight with me." he sounded smug. I hated that. I grit my teeth and charge him, lashing out blindly. He deflects my punches with ease, grabbing my arms and pinning them behind my back. No, I won't go quietly. I struggle in his grip. I can feel the electricity running through my veins again, but before I could harness it, my world was engulfed in black. 

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