chapter 13: Elio

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I was still reeling as I dragged her out into the hall. she was flailing and clawing at me, leaving streaks of blood down my arms. I couldn't believe that she attacked Enrique! I was quite impressed. I sighed as we came to a large white door. There were three large steel locks on the outside of the door. I unlocked the locks and tossed her in behind her. she turned and glared at me from the floor. her eyes full of hatred and malice. she stood up, staggering for a moment. She looked around the room. The room wasn't like the holding cell she was originally put in. This one was a mirror image of her old room. I saw the sadness in her eyes. she sighed and turned to me, glaring.

"Pretty fancy for a prison, don't you think? I guess the dungeon was all full?" she spits. I raised a brow. I could see the storm clouds brewing in those blue eyes of hers. her face was already starting to bruise. there was blood dripping from her nose. even still she wasn't defeated. Something was different. this wasn't the same kid I picked up a day or two ago. she seemed stronger, more sure of herself.

"Where the mafia, not the royal family." I spat.

"Tell me because I'm curious. Was any of it real?"

"Was what real?" I asked but I knew what she meant.

"the rave. Was it real or was it all an act?" I stare at her for a moment before laughing.

"oh bella. you poor sad thing. of course it was an act. I mean look at you." I could see the hurt on her face. I knew my words cut her deep. " I had been following you for a week. It was the perfect way to get you alone. a girl like you would be pudding in the hand of any guy who gave you a second of his time." This pissed her off. her right fist connected with my cheek.

"You bastard!" i stumbled back cupping my jaw. It was a solid hit.

"you asked bella. Now I suggest you get some rest. Tomorrow's a big day. you start your training." I call turning and walking to the door. I could feel her glaring at me. I could sense her rage.

"Oh and a word of caution Andromeda. if you try to escape the only thing in your future is going to be a shallow grave." I leave the room slamming the door behind me just as something slammed into the door behind me. I laugh. I could hear the sound of things crashing and breaking in the room. but then everything went quiet, and I knew that was never a good sign.

I turned and peered through the shadows and into the room. The room was a disaster. almost everything was broken. Andromeda was standing in front of the balcony window. That's when I saw it. the truth. Behind all the anger and heated words was a scared little girl. She was leaning against the window frame. tears streaming down her blood stained face. the longer I stared at her the more I could feel my heart breaking. She reminded me so much of my younger self. before this life turned me cold. I sigh and run my fingers through my curls. someone clears their throats behind me. I turn to see Narcissa standing beside me, a soft expression on her face. She comes to stand beside me peering into the shadows as well. she lets out a melancholy sigh.

"Poor thing. She's lost everything. She must be terrified."

"She reminds me of us. when we first came here. She's so." I pause. "so innocent."

"That'll change." Narcissa called. she turned and stared at me for a moment.

"yeah well she is someone else's problem now." I called , turning and heading to my room. There was a long night of drowning my conscious in a bottle of whiskey. I felt Narcissa grab my arm.

"Elly." I sigh. I know that tone. I groan and turn, peering at her in my peripheral vision. She has a look on her face I have only ever seen once, a long time ago.

"What Narcissa?" I call through gritted teeth.

"you remember what it was like here when we first came?"

"yeah. hell incarnate. and it still is. what of it?"

"you know how we got through it? we had each other. this girl. She has nothing. promise me. promise me you'll look after her the way you did me." I scoff and spin to face her. her face was serious and pleading. it wasn't like her to take to someone so quickly. I roll my eyes and growl.

"what do you want me to do Narcissa?! coddle her, hold her hand. tell her everything is gonna be okay!" Narcissa stared at me.

" No, I want you to protect her from the others. like you do me."

"there's a difference cissy you're my little sister."

"promise me Elio!" she looked up at me with so much conviction I felt it shake my bones. She looked so much like our mother it was almost painful to look at. I sigh and scrub a hand down my face.

"fine! whatever will get you off my ass." I snap stomping off down the hall. she could be so insufferable sometimes. This is the last thing I wanted. babysitting some American. I had my hands full with Narcissa. I pause in step. Andromeda's face pops in my head at the hands of the other members of the mafia. a poor innocent girl like that won't last a second in their hands. I sigh and shake my head. This was a disaster.

"Something the matter, bambino." I growl and turn to see Enrique walking down the hall from the infirmary. his left hand wrapped tightly in gauze. He was smirking down at me.

"Just your new charge." Enrique grins down at me crossing his arms across his chest. a devilish smirk on his face.

"My new charge?" he laughs. " I think not. she's your new charge bambino." I glare up at him, anger coursing through my body.

"my new charge!? oh no! My job was to bring her here. That was the extent of my involvement. I'm done" I growl before turning and walking away. I didn't get far. Enrique growls slamming me into the wall. He pins me there with an arm across my throat. He gets in my face. I growl at him.

"You're done when I say you're done. I...OWN..YOU!!" he yells in my face. "and I lend you out as I please. you're my little bitch Fiarri. And don't forget I own that pretty little sister of yours too." he smirks into my face, laughing.

"and she is a pretty little thing too. it'd be a shame if my men got a hold of her wouldn't it? they've thought about it hell, I've thought about it." he laughs as I struggle against his arm, snarling. I could feel my eyes being swallowed up in blackness. There is smoke coming out of my mouth as I speak.

"you touch her and I'll burn this place to the ground with you inside. there won't be anything for my father to harvest." I growl in his face. Enrique frowned down at me. his face deadly serious.

"Are you threatening me boy? careful now. You know that new recruit is a pretty little thing as well. I might take her out for a spin." I growl and struggle against his hold. this asshole.

"And then when I'm done with her." Enrique purrs. pulling up my shirt and stares at the array of marks across my chest and stomach. I glare. "I'm going to carve a few notches into that flawless skin of hers." he smirks and lets go of me, dusting himself off.

"now i want you to train the girl. she's going to be your partner. so I suggest you train her like your life depends on it. because Fiarri. it does." with that he walks off down the hall towards his office.

I glared after him, still plastered to the wall. I was filled with more hatred and anger than I have ever felt. I slam my hand into the wall leaving a small crevasse. damn it! I had always hated the day I became the mafia's hitman. a monster, a murderer and now I was taking an innocent girl and molding her into the same monster. no. there had to be another way, a way to save her. get here away from here but that would take time. time and preparation. I knew it was far too late to save my soul. but she still had a chance. and I was damn sure she was gonna use it. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21 ⏰

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