chapter 8: andromeda

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I was still seething as I stomped up my front steps. I fished my keys out of my purse and jams them angrily into the lock. shouldering the door open. Once inside I kicked it closed and leaned against it for a moment. The wood was cold against my back. I shiver as my purse and keys thud against the floor as I slide down the door. today has been a whirlwind of a day. I closed my eyes. I can still feel Elio's hands on my skin. Dalancey's angry face flashed through my mind. Her words hit me like a ton of bricks. How could she be so cruel? We've been best friends since 4th grade. She's the one person who knows me inside and out. well, at least she's supposed to.

I dig my phone out of my bag and scroll through my contacts, my thumb hovering over Dalancey's face. I should probably call and let her know I got home okay. I furrow my brow and shut my phone off. I'll worry about that tomorrow. Right now I had two things on my mind; getting all the gunk off my face and crawling into my nice warm bed. I stand and kick off my heels making a note to pick them up in the morning. I made my way up the stairs when I heard a noise coming from the living room. it sounded like someone rummaging around. I paused and kneels peering through the banister. The room was dark and empty. I stared into the empty room, the hairs on the back of my neck standing up but nothing seemed out of place. I shake my head and head back upstairs. I sigh and peel off my shirt throwing it into a bin by the window. I had just shimmied out of my leather skirt when a shiver raced up my spine. It was the kind of shiver I got when someone was watching me, a feeling I had had since this morning. I stop and look around my room, my eyes landing on my open closet. I squinted, and a look of confusion crossed my face. It looks like there is someone standing in my closet, peering out at me. I made my way over to the closet pulling on the string attached to the bulb on the ceiling but it was empty, except for my clothes. I shake my head and make my way back to the bed and slip into my pajamas.

I make my way to the bathroom and begin wiping the pounds of makeup that Dalancey had caked on my face. I sighed happily when I could see my freckles again. I had just taken out my contacts when I heard the noise again, this time it sounded like growling coming from downstairs. I reached for my spare glasses and slowly made my way back downstairs. The noise grew louder with every step. It sounded like laughter and voices. The only light was coming from the bulb above the stove. I make my way into the living room flipping on a lamp by the door. The laughter and voices had stopped when I turned on the light.

"Well Andromeda, it's official. you're crazy. first seeing things and now you're hearing things. I'll worry about all this tomorrow I'm way too tired to deal with this bullshit tonight" I called, turning out the light and heading towards the kitchen. I opened the fridge pulled out a soda and snagged an Oreo out of the cookie jar. I had just twisted the cap off my soda when I caught something moving behind me in the cool metal of the fridge. Startled, I spun, dropping my soda and reaching for the light switches. I flipped all the lights in the kitchen and living room on but I was alone. I let out a ragged breath.

"What the hell is going on? I know I'm not that crazy!" I groan and look down at the mess on the floor and grab a dish towel from under the sink. I paused as I straightened up staring into the living room. all the lights had begun to glow brighter until they were almost blinding. Suddenly a bulb shatters. then another. then all at once until the house is swallowed up in a sea of darkness. I can feel a ball of fear well up in my chest. someone chuckled. I frantically looked around the dark room.

"w-who's there? The only answer I got was another chuckle. I panic and reach for something to protect myself, my hand's ghost over my knife stand. I drew a big butcher knife when something grabs my arm causing me to drop the knife. I squinted down at what was latched onto my arm and screamed. partially stuck in the hardwood floor was a skeleton. I try to wrench my arm free but the skeleton screeches and grips me tighter. another chuckle sounds through the dark room. I turned towards the sound, feeling my anger rising. a shadowy figure appears and walks toward me. It was in the shape of a man. The only thing I could see was the eyes which were glowing in a bluish hue.

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