chapter 12: andromeda

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I didn't know where I was. there was nothing but white everywhere I looked. it felt like I was suspended in water. everything came flooding back at once. the loss of my mother, my friends and life as I knew it. I curled into a ball sobbing into my knees. I felt a warm presence behind me. I turn, a pair of glowing green eyes staring into mine. The eyes belonged to a woman. she had a heavenly aura to her. She was very familiar. Her hair was long and flowing around her. It was the color of freshly turned dirt. her skin was a deep russet brown. She was dressed in a flowing white dress with a halo of light behind her head. a set of four large white wings hung towards the ground behind her. her face was ethereal but it was constantly shifting. each face a beautiful depiction. a look of sorrow on each one. golden chains hung from her wrists and ankles. one was clamped around her neck.

"My dear hero, I am sorry. "

"Who are you?"

"I am the spinner of your story, my hero. I am the one who blessed you with your gifts and the cause of your pain."

"I feel like I know you from somewhere." The woman smiled and reached for me but the chains snatched her back before she could get too close. She looked like she was in great pain.

"There is not much time, my hero. you have been brought into the lion's den. my brother will stop at nothing to snuff out your light. you must be ready. you must be strong." I stare at her as I slowly float towards her like I was stuck in her gravitational pull.

"your brother? Who are you?"

"I am the creator of this world. I preside over all that is good and pure. my name is Aelia and I am creation and life, my brother, Aklous is chaos and destruction. he is full of rage and greed. he feels betrayed by the mortals and by the gods. you alone will be the savior of this world and of your people." I stare at her. this wasn't fair. I didn't want to be a hero. I wanted to be normal. I wanted things to go back to normal.

"Why are you doing this to me?! what did I do to deserve this?" She looks at me with a look of sorrow.

"I'm sorry andromeda. I know this isn't fair, you are just a child and you have suffered much more than any child should. I wish this burden wasn't placed on your shoulders but this world needs you. only you have the power to defeat my brother, the only one who can stop the suffering."

"I don't want this life! I'm no soldier" Aelia gives me a sorrowful look. she reaches for me again, cupping my face. she presses a kiss to my forehead. I felt warmth rushing into my body like I was just submerged in hot water. I feel strong and sure. Aelia pulled back, she looked weaker. she staggers.

"i have made it so that my brother can not find you but be warned as you grow stronger the mark will fade. Once you are ready to face him the mark will disappear. I wish there was more I could do for you. one more bit of advice. you are never truly alone in your journey. help can always be found when it is needed the most. be careful my hero. The road ahead of you is treacherous and full of traps and deception. I will be with you. you are this world's only hope." She smiles at me as she floats backwards and disappears as the room glows with bright light.

"be well my dear Andromeda." her voice whispers as my vision goes white. when my vision clears I'm staring up at a popcorn ceiling. I bolt upwards, staring around the room. I stare at the pale blue walls for a moment. I had to get out of here somehow. I bolt out of the bed and towards the door. I grabbed onto the doorknob but it wouldn't budge. it was locked from the outside. I kick the wooden door angrily.

"dammit!" I growl out, pressing my back against the door. I peer around the room. It was bare beside a simple four-pollster bed. There were no windows and one door in and out. I hear the lock click and turn, poised for a fight. a girl enters. she looked about my age. a regal beauty with long wavy raven hair that hung down to her waist. when she looked up at me i found myself staring into the same warm chocolate brown eyes as Elio. hers weren't as cold as his. there was still a glimmer of light behind them. a look of shock written on her face. it was clear she wasn't expecting me to be standing there. there was a small stack of clothes clutched in her petite hands.

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