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"Although my technique grants me the ability to create organic life, I've been unable to create anything more than an animal

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"Although my technique grants me the ability to create organic life, I've been unable to create anything more than an animal." Inei spoke, bringing a finger to his stripped face

"Project one only developed to that of an embryo, project two only lived to age three before her cells stopped dividing" The special grade curse continued

"But you, I guess humans were right when they said third times a charm" He hummed, turning to face the six year old behind him

"You're everything I've strived for in my research, so you're name will be, Inori" He nodded

He really waited six years to name his creation

'Inori' stared at him with a blank face, unsure on what to say to her 'father'

'Inori' stared at him with a blank face, unsure on what to say to her 'father'

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The curse did not like her silence

"Speak Inori." He demanded, slapping the child across the face

He did not flinch or feel even the slightest of guilt when the child got up with a bloody nose and watery eyes

Instead he felt accomplished

He had created a human, one with a soul, emotions and the ability to feel pain, all it took was a womb so simple yet complex to the a thousand year old spirit

"I'm sorry sir." She stated, fixing her lab coat and following him back to their place

It was far from glamorous, rather an abandoned hospital that the curse could conduct his studies in, with his ability to create organic life, the odd pair never really had to go outside or worry about jujutsu sorcerers, which he referred to as 'pests'

Inori wouldn't call it familial love, or even to an extent fear that kept her close to her abuser and creator, rather an innate loyalty and complete devotion to him that caused her to never stray from him over the years

Until she was ten

On the days where inei would be out on business, that business being something that would earn her a beating if she asked what is was. Inori would find herself alone in the hospital and often wander off to a nearby park

𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 • 𝐌.𝐅𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐎Where stories live. Discover now