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"Aren't you cold?" Inori asked megumi who stood in the freezing December weather with nothing but a baggy jumper and joggers

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"Aren't you cold?" Inori asked megumi who stood in the freezing December weather with nothing but a baggy jumper and joggers

"I've got a lot on my mind"

"We start jujutsu tech in four months" Megumi sighed, the duo finding themselves at the gate of the school

They were only visiting because both their guardians were there for some reason

"I still don't know if this is really what I want to do" Megumi muttered "was there another way? Did I really have to become a jujutsu sorcerer

Inori let out a yawn "I just asked if you were cold, I didn't ask for a whole inner monologue"

She only gave a frowning megumi a small smile before walking ahead "and besides, you messed up any chances of getting into a good highschool with your fight record"

"That's true" He muttered, following her towards the entrance

Their relationship hadn't gone back to the way it was before, as expected. But they were both trying

The two walked in a somewhat comfortable silnce until they reached a weird sight

"Whys there a giant pelican?" Megumi blinked, not wanting to go any further once he determined it was a curse, Inori ok the other hand had made her way around the curse and let out a small gasp

"There's a bunch of people I've never seen before and the first years"

"Inori?" Maki blinked, Inori making her way towards her whilst Megumi followed after her
"Maki, who's he?" Inori asked, looking at the pretty dark haired male with long hair that seemed to be friendly with yuta

"Some crazy guy who wants to kill all non sorcerers" Panda answered

"Kill all non sorcerers??" Megumi blinked

"What a goal" Inori muttered

"Oh my" The man spoke, turning to her "As someone who personally loves science it's such an honour to meet you, Inori Kūsho" He smiled, placing a hand on her shoulder

"I'm not a scientist" Inori blinked

"No you're not, bu—"

"Do me a favour." Gojo began, Inori noticing many talented sorcerers standing behind him along with principal yaga

"Could you please stop preaching your crazy beliefs to my students?"

"Satoru! Long time no see"

"Step away from those kids right now suguru." Satoru spoke, yaga getting ready to fight

Geto simply wore one of his charming smiles, lifting up his head and turning away from the Gojos

"I heard this new first year class is simply outstanding, seems it's true. You still have an eye for talent"

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