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August 2017

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August 2017

"Do you know what the bare minimum requirement is for human interaction?" Megumi asked his mountain of victims

"No.." one of the battered delinquents managed to cough out

"I will not kill you, so please do not kill me" Megumi stated, rubbing his forehead

"You can replace 'kill' with anything else"

"Basically you shouldn't cross any line that violates another person's dignity. You should acknowledge each other's existence. That's the rule" The zenin continued

"You ignored it and fed your stupid ego and treated it like a nuisance"

"Did that make you feel good?" He asked, making his way down the piles of bodies, not seeming to care for the students and teachers that were flocking towards the area but still maintaining a distance

"If I see you do it again, I'll kill you"

"Did we do something to you?!" One of the delinquents questioned

"Figure it out yourself, or just die"

"Fushiguro!!" Mr takeda yelled megumi ignoring him and turning to walk away only to see Inori

In the now four years the pair had known one another, the girls dark hair had grown even longer, falling on her uniform, she had lost the permanently perplexed look in favour of an almost cold expression that was further accentuated by her beauty

"You saw that?" Megumi asked, practically his best friend at this point

"Yeah I did, what a great way to spend your lunchtime megumi" Inori said in a sarcastic tone, earning a grumble from the boy

"Don't try to lecture me about it" Megumi sighed

"I'm just saying" Inori began "you get so worked up over nothing that you never think things through"

"Now you're gonna get suspended and tsumiki will be mad" She concluded, the pair making their way inside the building and passing some guy in the year above them

"Excuse me" He called out, prompting Inori to turn around whilst megumi took a few more steps

"Sorry, it's just, I've never seen you around before and uhm..I'm sorry, you have really beautiful black long hair"

"So does almost every other girl in this school" Inori replied, analysing the boy

"But thank you." She nodded, leaving him to wallow in self pity

"Cold" Megumi scoffed

"How?" Inori tilted her head

"He was obviously flirting with you robot girl" Megumi answered, kicking an empty can that was left on the floor

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