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"It's time for the goodwill event to

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"It's time for the goodwill event to.."

"Where's todo?" Noritoshi questioned
"How would I know?" Mai spat "he's probably far ahead" Inori stated

"So now you're talking to me?" Noritoshi mused "I'll burn off all your hair"

"Can't we just get along" Miwa sighed

"We are getting along" the trio stated,




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"Before we split up we should circle Inori, try and take her out first" Maki stated

"How do we know she won't be travelling in a group with the other Kyoto students?" Panda brought up

"Because, she told yuji they're grouping up to kill him, I'm sure she wouldn't want to be apart of that." Megumi stated

"You seem very sure, how can we be sure she won't change her mind?" Panda questioned

"Because she's not like that" Megumi stated


"Megumis right, plus itadori knows her from when he was hidden, it's unlikely she'd want to kill him even if ordered to" Maki stated

"Plus she hates her principle, but that won't stop her from fighting us like she's supposed to. Her and todo need to be taken care of first is we want to win" Maki stated

"But if what she said about Kyotos plans is true then itadori could be in real danger" Kugisaki stated

"She didnt seem too worried for him"'Maki hummed

"Plus, she's still not on our side, it's best to get her out of the way" Panda added


"This place is creepy" Inori hummed as she made her way through the forest alone having broken off from her classmates due to their plans

𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃 𝐎𝐅 𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐋 • 𝐌.𝐅𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐎Where stories live. Discover now