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"It's been so troublesome having to deal with kenjaku and the others" Inei spoke, Inori walking behind him obediently as he took out a large mechanical weapon, placing a yellow seyrum into it as pulling the trigger

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"It's been so troublesome having to deal with kenjaku and the others" Inei spoke, Inori walking behind him obediently as he took out a large mechanical weapon, placing a yellow seyrum into it as pulling the trigger

She watched as a yellow gas clouded the entire area they were in, the transfigured humans coming to a halt whilst the non sorcerers collapsed

He hadn't spoke about the five, nearly six years he hadn't seen her, they were back to how it was before

"Inori, do you know why we're taking over these transfigured humans?" Inei questioned

"No sir"

"It's because I despise that patchwork curse. And so turning his creations into my minions is a perfect way to spit him" He grinned, the father and daughter noticing a giant bolder that had been formed

"Hm, it seems that volcanic imbecile has been killed" Inei smiled, a figure making their way out of the alleyway tired and clutching into their right side

It was megumi

"Inori!" He yelled, staggering towards the girl

"Megumi?? You're hurt!" She said with wide eyes, finding herself rushing towards him

"Huh? Did you create a bond with a sorcerer?" Inei questioned, finding it both interesting but also peeving

"Wait.." he muttered "You're that ten shadows user aren't you?" He grumbled, megumi, who was already being chase by another random guy, letting out a groan

"I can't believe this" he mumbled

"You are.." Inei said with wide eyes, rushing towards megumi with his arm outstretched, intending to extract his life span

"He's too fast! I'm gonna die!" Megumi said with wide eyes as he looked over at inori, outstretching his arm to push her away

"I can finally kill one of you insufferable zenins" Inei smiled, What he hadn't expected was for Inori to blast his arm off

She looked just as shocked as Inei and megumi did yet she quickly regained composure, kicking Inei once more, the curse bringing his other arm up to his head to avoid having it lodged off

"Inori what is this behaviour?" Inei questioned as Inori stood infront of megumi to prevent the curse from attacking him

"I won't.." She began, looking up from the ground and at megumi "I didn't want you to hurt him"

"Oh, you've developed quite a mouth" Inei said, his usual smile was replaced for one of a smirk

"But what I don't understand is why? Why would you do this? You know the consequences"

"I guess you just don't know people as well as you think you do father" Inori spoke

"You miscalculated, I love megumi, more than I fear you"

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