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"How come you're coming with us to visit the Tokyo students? Aren't you joining them after the exchange event " Todo questioned as he drove, Miwa sitting in the middle of Inori and Mai, Gakuganji sitting at the front

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"How come you're coming with us to visit the Tokyo students? Aren't you joining them after the exchange event " Todo questioned as he drove, Miwa sitting in the middle of Inori and Mai, Gakuganji sitting at the front

"I told you yesterday" Inori sighed "Isn't it for a certain someone?" Mai smirked making Inori flick her forehead

"I'm going to see the second years and also the other first year" Inori stated

"And fushiguro" Mai mumbled



"You children are so loud " Gakuganji sighed "I should leave all of you behind in Tokyo" He continued, stroking his beard

"Do you ever shut up?" Inori questioned making the higher up scoff


"D'you think satoru Gojo will be there?" Miwa cheesed at the thought of the white haired male

"He is the first year teacher right?" Mai questioned "yeah he probably will be, seeing as one of his students died" Inori hummed, noticing the smirk on Mais face

"Well he wasn't really a student was he? Rather a ticking time bomb" Mai hummed making Inori kick her foot

"We didn't know what he was like Mai, we don't even know his name" Inori reminded the girl

"Kūshos right, it would be unfair to judge him just because he was sukanas vessel" Miwa noted

"Whatever" Mai sighed

"There's no point arguing over it now anyways, he's dead" Inori hummed

"exactly, and takada is hosting a meet and greet in Tokyo so we should focus on that" Todo hummed, his classmates and Gakuganji giving him odd looks

"You always speak out of tune aoi" Gakuganji sighed

"Wait how come I'm competing in the exchange event?" Inori brought up

"The old man wants to get a one up on Tokyo" Mai scoffed

"If they get to include their first years so do we" He stated

"What about Arata?" Miwa questioned, bringing up Inoris fellow first year

"He refused, said he wouldn't be much help" Todo stated

"I still can't believe you're leaving us for stupid Tokyo" Mai pouted

"It's because of him." Inori stated, pointing at Gakuganji as the students and their principal stepped out of the car

"Let's go check out those first years that are competing" Todo smiled as he raced off

"wait up aoi!!" Mai scoffed as she trailed after the third year,

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