Kayna Moments-You Mean What I Want In The World...?

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Kayden just ignores me and heads to the counter. Before he orders, he turns back. "Sienna, what do you want?"

"What do I want as in what do I want from the world, like what is my sole purpose of being here or-"

"You're fucking hilarious, you know that?" He says flatly, "What do you want to order?"

"I'll just have an espresso. Thanks" I say and head over to an empty table.

At first I pick a table by the window but then I realize that's what Jax and I used to do when we went out to eat, so instead, I choose a corner booth. Kayden appears no less than a minute later with two steaming cups with him. He hands me one and slides into the seat opposite from me.

"Thanks," I mutter and take a sip from my cup, "Damn that's good."

"Yeah," Kayden sets his cup down. "Listen, we need to talk"

I narrow my eyes at him, "Okay I think you might've gotten the wrong message. We are clearly not together and breaking up with me is totally unnecessary-"

(I'm just like in a straitjacket restraining myself from cracking the screen in disbelief as I read this....)

"Fucking hell, I can never get a straight response from you, can I, Lucky?" He swears under his breath .

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