"Hold This Love."

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Daily Poem: Write a poem about love where you repeat the word "hold" in each line.


Hold me, dear,
hold this terror,
hold this rotten cadaver in line. Bind its

wrists and hold your tongue;
do not speak in time. Hold it
slow, hold it unsteady,

let it wither at your feet. Hold its heart
above its chest and hold its brain in kind,
let it disintegrate into something frightening. Hold

its hands and kiss its lips, but do not hold on
to the hope that hope will hold on to you.
Hang your love on the rope and withhold the

tension. Bloodied palms and twisted wrists hold
as desperately as they do weakly. Hold your mercy kindly, my dear;
love never holds on in kind.


(January 21st, 2024.)


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