Wayne Manor, And Meeting The Fam!

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They entered the Batcave.

Once they did, Bruce got out of the Batmobile, and Alfred approached Bruce, with his usual casual expression.

Alfred: "Sir, dinner is ready. The family is awaiting you."

Once Bruce got out of the Batmobile, he would then remove his cowl, cape, and gloves.

Bruce: "I'll be getting ready soon, Al."

Alfred: "Of course, sir."

Alfred would then walk away from Bruce, going up the stairs to Wayne Manor.

Terry, who saw everything, was now deep in thought.

Terry: (Huh... The Old Man told me some stories about Alfred, and... When he passed. But he looks like a nice guy, like he told me.)

And then, Terry would follow Alfred up the stairs and into Wayne Manor, which... Looks way better than in Terry's time.

And, Alfred went to the dining room.

Everybody was there.

Dick, Jason, Tim, Duke, Damian, Barbara, Stephanie, Cassandra, and Kate.

Alfred: "Master Bruce will arrive soon."

And then, Alfred went to the kitchen, starting to prepare food.

And yeah, everybody just started talking among themselves...

And they felt the presence watching them too.

Terry was now sticking to the ceiling, watching everybody talking in the dinner table.

But once they felt they were being watched, they all looked at the ceiling (where Terry was), but there was nothing there.

So they just went back to talking, thinking it was nothing.

Except Cassandra.

She could slightly hear breathing coming from there...

Terry's breathing.

Of course she would, she's basically trained for that stuff from birth, after all.

And Terry saw her still staring.

Terry: (Why's she still staring?)

And then, Cassandra spoke up.

Cassandra: "Invisible."

And yeah, Terry was caught.

And then, everybody looked up again...

It did make sense.

And then, everybody started blocking the exits to the dinner room.

And Jason immediately got kinda mad.

Jason: "The hell? Who are you?!"

Damian: "An invader!"

Jason: "Shut up."

Dick: "Not now!"

Bruce was also aware of what was going on, since he could see all the cameras across the manor.

And he, of course, activated the lockdown protocol.

Jason: "We know you're there, you know."

Of course, Terry knew his training, so he didn't really feel intimidated much.

And just stayed there.

But after a while, he'd take a deep breath, sighing, and deactivating his cloaking.

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