Terry Moment

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Meanwhile, in the guest room...

Terry was just watching the TV, flipping through the channels, and eating his snacks still.

Sure, the TVs weren't as advanced as in his time, which annoyed him a little, but he could live with the temporary predicament.

At least he hoped it was temporary.

Terry: "Boring, boring, boring, boring... Why do people even watch that? Boring, boring..."

Until he landed on a channel that had like, bike racing or something.

Terry: "...I guess that'll do for now."

But then...

A small amount of people walked in.

Those being Damian (who was pissed), Cassandra (who is quite distrusting of Terry), Stephanie (who was there just to hold Cassandra back from being too creepy), and Dick, Jason, and Tim (who were there to hold back Damian knowing he'd probably do something stupid).

Cassandra just stood by the door, staring blankly at Terry.

Damian, on the other hand...

Went right up in his face. He was practically fuming. But he was also really quiet now.

With Dick, Jason, and Tim staying nearby, just waiting for shit to explode.

Damian: "..."

Terry: "Listen kid, I'd appreciate it if you didn't yell at my face. Now let me just have some privacy here. Thanks."

Terry would then gently push Damian out of the way.

Now Damian was even more angered by Terry's carelessness towards him.

Which prompted him to try to jump him.

And of course, the 3 who were just waiting for this moment, immediately held Damian in place.

Tim: "Damian, can you just... Not do that? Please?"

Damian: "Let me at him!"

Jason: "No way in hell we're lettin' you at him."

Dick: "Yeah, Jase's right... We're not letting you at him."


Cassandra: "Hm, he seems... Very calm. He might not even be intimidated."

Stephanie: "Oh c'mon Cass, give the guy a break! Damian's already trying to kill him over there, c'mon!"

And, Cassandra just ignored Stephanie.

Yeah, that's Cassandra for you.

She just kept blankly staring at Terry, analyzing every minute movement he did, his breathing... Everything.

Cassandra: "Hm... Considering his height, and voice... He might be Tim's age."

But then, Alfred came in too.

Alfred: "I've come here to say that dinner will be ready soon."

And then, he looked at Terry.

Alfred: "What about you, Mister... Future Batman? Would you like some dinner?"

Terry would then shrug his shoulders.

Terry: "I wouldn't mind. Thanks."

And then, Alfred would bow slightly.

Alfred: "Of course. Dinner will be in 2 hours."

And then, he'd walk away casually, like shit isn't just on the verge of exploding there.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28 ⏰

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