The Past

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It was a bright, warm sunny day on new berk. Vikings were out and about doing there daily tasks, down at the docks good were being unloaded from other tribes.
New berk has come far and after the dragons leaving it took people getting used to do everything by themselves which brought the mood down a lot but finally everyone was getting better and happier. Everyone except hiccup.

Hiccup missed his best friend toothless, his first ever real friend, that's if you don't count Gobber. Hiccup and toothless have been through thick and thin together always there for each other. It took hiccup a week to stop talking to the air thinking toothless was there.

Hiccups pov

I walked around new berk conversing with my fellow vikings. Walking down towards the docks I would watch over the goods being unloaded and loaded. Being chief is very tiring answering letters, helping out, listening to every ones problems. I get why I have to do all of it but I just want to be free, riding on toothless having our adventures.

After a couple hours I finish my daily duties and needing a break from everything and everyone I would slip into the forest. It was odd the forest no one had really gone deep into it as when they did a fog would emerge and they would end up back on berk. I wanted to be the first to explore... for old times sake.

After about fifteen minutes of walking, the fog rolled out making it very hard to see but I pressed on filled with determination. Seeing a shadow up ahead I would walk towards it and upon getting there I would find a cave, walking in the fog just disappeared. At first glance the walls were empty but as I spent more time there some runes started to appear.

Always the curious viking, I would pull out a notebook and charcoal pencil. I start to draw the runes and murmur "maybe Fishlegs will know what these are..." Taking a breath I would reach out and run my fingers over the runes, I would trace them and close my eyes and in that second my mind was overpowered by knowledge.

Dragonease, the language of the dragon filled my ears I could speak and understand it... next was confusing me... why would I need to give people there memory's back.

Not long after the knowledge filled my mind, I heard what sounded like...screams? Opening my eyes I was not ready to be back on old berk, staring into the eyes of the monstrous nightmare. Unsure I would turn and run, just like I did last time, did I stop? No. I just kept running and running into the forest ignoring my now very alive father, that's going be a tough conversation.

I found it, the broken tree, the marks on the ground oh and the tied up night fury no biggie. Now I understand why I needed to know how to give people there memory's back. Hoping it works on dragons I would slowly reach my hand out "hey bud... no need to be scared" The most shocking thing about this? My hand turned purple, purple! After a few seconds the night fury's eyes seemed to relax and calm before tilting his head and giving me his gummy smile. "hey toothless... so uhhh turns out were now in the past just give me a sec to untie you bud" Grabbing my dagger I cut through the ropes holding toothless "looks like I've got to make you a new wing" "So no flying?! Toothless just cooed at me which made me jump. I could understand him! "is now a good time to mention I can speak your language?" Before toothless could say anything I heard footsteps behind me "go to the cove ill meat you there bud?" Giving me his gummy smile he ran off into the dark

Spinning round i came face to face with someone I don't remember was here last time.


Hey everyone, author here I very recently got back into my httyd phase and decided to write a story, the main reason for the time travel bit is well I love them and I can't find any for httyd so I made my own! First chapter is kinda short but they will hopefully get longer as time goes on I mainly just wanted to get the first part out.
That's all
Hope you enjoy- me :)

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