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August 2007:

     Satoru and I decided to take Megumi and his sister out in the city tonight to go shopping. They don't have a lot in terms of toys or clothes or anything, so Satoru and I decided to take them out and spoil them a bit. Satoru likes to act all tough and unbothered, but I know he really cares. He wants these kids to have a good childhood.
     We walk up the steps into the private school we enrolled them in this year. We're dressed in casual clothing, Satoru wearing his black sunglasses and a black shirt with khaki's. I'm wearing high waist jeans with a Vans shirt and black vans shoes and my simple black ball cap.
     We walk inside and Satoru wraps his arm around my shoulders pulling me tight to him. I can feel his rigid muscles through his shirt. I blush hard and almost pull out of his arms instinctively. He surely is messing with me.

"Geez Naomi I know i'm not that repulsive. Just play along, we're supposed to be their parents remember?" He says whispering the last part in my ear.

I turn my head away so he doesn't see how red my face is. The low tone of his voice sends shivers down my spine. I kind of don't want him to stop talking to me that way, but I know better. We can't afford any distractions.

"Right." I say clearing my throat.

We walk into the office and smile at the receptionist, "Good morning!" Satoru says.

"Good morning! How can I help you?" She asks.

"We're Megumi and Tsumiki Fushiguro's parents. We need to take them out of school early today." He tells them.

The lady looks confused. Neither of us look like Megumi or Tsumiki at all.

She raises a brow, "you two are their parents?" She says unconvinced.

"That's right! Isn't it dear?" He says planting a kiss on my cheek.

Why did he have to do that? Why did he kiss me? I can't hide how red my face is now. If I turn my face away it'll be obvious we aren't together. So I just smile through it.

"Yes, we have some medical appointments soon they need to make." I tell her.

"Alright, sign here please." She tells me.

I sign the log book and she calls for Megumi ans Tsumiki to come to the office. I hear everyone yell 'OOOOOOH' In Megumi's class room over the intercom at the last second and I laugh and roll my eyes.
Satoru and I turn and walk outside the office to wait for them. I break away from his hold on me and look at him with disbelief.

"What?" He asks.

"You kissed me." I tell him seriously.

He sighs and smirks, "it was just a kiss Naomi. We had to make it look real." He tells me.

"Did you have to do that though?" I ask him.

He steps closer to me, inches away from my face. My heart rate goes up as I look up at him. His tall figure towers over me, and suddenly I feel so small compared to him. I'm not short by any means. I'm about 64 inches tall. But now that he's so close, I realize how small I am to him still.            

I feel like tugging him down to me and kissing him. But he smirks as he looks down at me with his blue eyes piercing through his sunglasses and sending shivers all over my body. I stop myself from doing anything stupid. We can't afford distractions.

"Don't tell me you didn't like it." He says in a low tone.

"I, well...." I say awkwardly.

"Are you two in love?" I hear a little girls voice say.

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