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2017: One Year Ago

      I walk through an abandoned house in the middle of some random field in the country. The house has be long forgotten. I'm supposed to find a grade one curse here and exorcise it. Supposedly the curse has killed about ten people already. This is the first mission i've gotten in months, and the only reason I got it was because Satoru is out of town investigating missing sorcerers. Otherwise he would have told them not to send me.
     I walk through the hallway clearing each room as I go. I have holstered my spear on my back and have my cursed short sword and shield out ready to attack. Each room remains empty, but I know i'm getting closer to it. The moment I step into the living room I spot two corpses. There is blood everywhere, even all over the ceiling. The bodies are ripped apart and half melted in places. It smells horrid in here. I continue on and cover my nose with my shirt. The cursed energy is resonating near the kitchen, I can feel it.
      I enter the kitchen and see it, a monstrous looking creature. It has two reptilian like heads but strong arms and legs with long dangerous looking claws. It's mouth drips some sort of liquid and I make a point to myself not to touch it. It could be poison. He had a body in his claws, ripping and tearing it apart. The skin melts as he does, and he notices me and seems to smile.
"Alright you ugly bastard. Time to meet your maker." I say.

     I charge at it and it screeches knocking me off balance for a second. I cover my ears and suddenly get a splitting headache. I shake my head and push through charging once again. I jump up in the air bringing my sword down on the curse but it's fast. I could use my cursed energy, but I don't want to risk contacting the liquid. It dodges my blow and ends up behind me. It's claws come down last second and I roll out of the way bringing my sword up and piercing it in the arm. It screams in pain and I smile.

"Awe, does it hurt? Here, let me put you out of your misery then!" I say slamming my shield in it's face to stun it and stabbing it again through the neck and slicing through.

     It screeches once again but this time, it's trying to spit at me, but it's leaking through it's neck. Slowly it starts to disappear, but not without drops of the liquid hitting my face and arms.

     It burns, a lot. I look down and see that it isn't poison, but that it's corrosive. I groan in pain gritting my teeth and in anger I cut the curses head off speeding up the exorcism. I try to take a rag from the kitchen and wipe my arm but it only spreads it. Idiot. I should have listened to Shoko more about first aid. I'm just panicking and trying anything to get it to stop.

"Fuck!" I say leaning against the counters and sliding down.

     The curse has vanished finally and with it, so did the acid. My skin has a nasty burn, probably a third degree one. I breathe heavily trying to slow my breath down so I don't go into shock. I take a rag I find and pack the wound. I desperately look around for another one but end up just ripping the sleeves off my jacket and wrapping my arm. I can't do much for my face though. Guess I just have to grit my teeth and make it back somehow. I groan as I stumble to the door. I call Igichi and tell him to pick me up.

     I start thinking about how many people have been killed by that curse. The report just listed ten, but I could bet there were more. The report said the curse would kidnap people and bring them here. Pretty smart for a curse. There was so much blood. Those people had families, and I didn't get here in time. My body starts to shake as I close my eyes tight. It's my fault they're dead. I could have done better, but I was weak. I shake my head but the thoughts still remain.

"My my, I wasn't sure what to expect. I only wanted to test you, but I guess the rumors are all right. You are a wreck." I hear a familiar voice say behind me.

I freeze instantly. I know that voice. I tremble as memories flash before my eyes. Movie nights, biking through the city laughing our heads off, endless shopping trips, his hugs, his smile, his laugh. Everything hits me at once, and my body shakes uncontrollably, a tear falling down my face. It's too much. It's all my fault. All my fault.

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