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"All right, go!" I yell.

      Utahime is here to practice using her technique with Satoru. Our plan is to use her to buff Satoru's cursed energy output to what would be the equivalent of a black flash. Satoru charges up his red and shoots it at the stack of cinderblocks we have about 300 yards away. It explodes and shatters all the blocks into a million pieces.

"Yeah, that'll do." Satoru says satisfied.

"Good. You sure you wanna do this?" Utahime asks.

"Awe, does little Utahime actually care about me?" Satoru says mockingly leaning down to her height and patting the top of her head.

"Ugh! Forget it jerk! I don't even know why I try!" She says frustrated stomping off.

"Uugghh it was a joke! Your technique was fine! Output felt stronger!" Satoru says groaning.

Utahime keeps walking mumbling something to herself.

"Utahime! Come back!" I yell.

She ignores us and keeps walking.

"Sheesh, what's gotten into her?" Satoru asks plopping down on the bench beside me. He wraps his arm around my shoulder and smiles looking down at Niko in my arms. He wipes his white baby hairs out of his beautiful big blue eyes and chuckles as the boy hiccups in between sips of his bottle.

"Maybe if you wouldn't mess around so much she wouldn't be grumpy like that." I say smirking.

"Yeah yeah, whatever. She's always grumpy about something. Isn't that right little Niko?" He says tickling him.

The boy smiles and laughs once. He's just started doing this recently. He can't really laugh a lot. He can only do one little 'ha'. But we're working on it.

"Such a cutie. Just like his dad huh?" Satoru says smiling at his son.

"Exactly." I say smiling widely at him.

He smirks and places a soft loving kiss on my lips.

"I love you Naomi Gojo." He says.

"I love you Satoru Gojo." I answer.

"Alright family! Next stop, Aunt Shoko! Then Mommy and I have to go to the gym." Satoru says loudly as he stands up smiling.

     We all three head to Shoko's apartment to drop Niko off before we go to the gym. Shoko's been hard at work on some 'training' she said she has to do before the big fight. She locks herself in her office for hours at a time. She never answers her phone and falls asleep there often. The past few days I've found her with her clothes and hair in disarray with dark circles under her eyes at the cafe ordering breakfast mid afternoon. I find it odd.
     Neither Satoru or Shoko will tell me what it is. I find it suspicious. Shoko tells me everything. So does Satoru. But for some reason they're keeping this from me. I tried asking a few days ago when it was brought up seemingly accidentally outside our apartments. Their faces both went red and they told me not to worry myself with it.
      I know they're concerned with how i'm handling myself since Shibuya. I haven't been this bad since I was doing recon. I hardly sleep. I wake up constantly thinking Satoru is still trapped in the prison realm. I see the eyes of the people I've killed everywhere. Pleading and desperate. And I see Satoru losing the fight with Sukuna in my dreams. Megumi dies every time, but so does Satoru. Niko and I are hunted down after, and he's ripped from my arms. Usually, around then is when I wake up. It terrifies me that everything I have ever loved could be ripped from me forever.
      Satoru tries comforting me, but it doesn't help too much. I can't relax until this is all over. I worry constantly. But I hope whatever Shoko is cooking up is some sort of a miracle, because we're gonna need it.

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