Chapter 6

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I woke up to the sound of handcuffs clicking.

My head was pounding, but I forced my eyes to open. I still felt dizzy from the bash to the head but I managed to sit myself up against the wall behind me.

Carter stepped back from me, and I realized the sound was him handcuffing me to the wall, the chains forced my hands to hang above my head.

So that's where my handcuffs went.

"Good morning sleepy head!" He said cheerily.

The concussion I had clearly received just made it harder to think straight. I was so confused.

"What- what's going on?"

Carter grinned. "Oh, can't you tell? I've kidnapped you? Do you really need that explained?" He was mocking me.

I felt anger start to rise.

"But, why? I thought- I thought you loved me!"

"Oh sweetie I never loved you." He grabbed my chin. "As for the why. Why not?"

"All that time we spent together, it was a lie?"

"Well, duh. Did I not just say I never loved you. You're a little slow sometimes."

"You manipulated me!" I stood up angrily, but underestimated the damage done to head.

I fell to my knees, black dots crowding my vision.

"I wouldn't try to escape if I were you, you might kill yourself just from trying to stand. Plus, I want to kill you, don't ruin my fun." He was so happy it was disturbing.

He picked up the wooden bat laying against the opposite wall of my cell.

"Now, time to enjoy myself a little."

He lifted the bat over his shoulder and I braced for the pain. What I felt was so much worse than I could've imagined. He brought the bay down on my left ankle and I felt a bone smash. It felt like every nerve in my leg was on fire.

I screamed in agony, pain splintering through my ankle.

He laughed. He LAUGHED. I couldn't believe it. The man I loved, the man I had spent the past 3 months with, just wanted to hurt me, to kill me.

I was grateful that I blacked out from the pain, it was all too much to bare.

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