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God, I'm so happy. I'm right now on my way to this very popular journalist place. I really hope I get the job here. I put together the best outfit I could think of which is a black fitted long sleeve shirt with flowey  jeans and black converse.

 I put together the best outfit I could think of which is a black fitted long sleeve shirt with flowey  jeans and black converse

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I hope it's presentable enough. What if it's not? Should I change? Wait I can't change, I'm driving there. Why do I always worry last minute? I thought as I was pulling up to the place. Oh shoot.

My palms are now all sweaty, I always get nervous for big things like this. This has always been a dream of mine and I'm actually here.

I am so scared that I'm not going to make the job. Hopefully they're hiring. It said online they were.

God, my minds going to explode. I'm so scared.

I walked up to the front desk and smiled "hi, is there a possible chance I could get a job interview or something?" I asked the girl.

She gave me a look of, jealousy? Why would she be jealous? "Yea, I'll call Eric have him bring you to the CEO" she said. My heart jumped at the word CEO. God, what if he hates me? I heard he can be cruel sometimes and really mean.

As I was in my thoughts a man then walked up to me "hi Miss, I need your name" the man said politely.

I smiled "my name is Millie, Millie Sanchez, it's nice to meet you" I said reaching my hand out. He looked to be the same age as me. Maybe older?

Sometimes it's hard to tell. "Hi Millie, I'm Eric i will now take you to the boss" he said to me and I gave a small smile in return.

"Whore" I then heard the girl at the friend desk whisper. I turned around so did Eric and she straightened up and smiled. Weird.

I don't know what these girls issues here are. They always seem so angry with me. I wish i didn't make them so mad at me and I could make friend's.

I snapped out of my thoughts as we started to enter an elevator. It was silent and awkward the whole way. Well i don't know if he felt awkward but I sure as hell did. I'm always awkward when alone with a guy.

The elevator then stopped as we made it to the top floor which was floor 14. 14 FLOORS. I didn't even notice that. This building is bigger than I thought. If I do work here let's hope the elevator doesn't break.

We then ended up at this big black door. Woah. Eric then grabbed the handle and opened the door. I looked down at my hands biting my lip walking in.

I looked up the moment I heard Jaxon speak. HE IS THE CEO?


I am now in my car rethinking what went on. I embarrassed myself so bad. Why did I say all that? I banged my head against the steering wheel with a groans. "I'm so stupid" I accidentally said out loud. "I guess your everywhere" j rethought those words making me cringe every time.

Probably gave me the job to save my embarrassment. He isn't the scary person I thought he was or what people made him out to be. Some people even said he was a monster.

The rude but handsome CEO was what girls called him.

I need to get away from this place though before he thinks I'm being a stalker. He probably thinks I went to get a job there because I'm obsessed with him. I buy the house he used to own, work at a cafe he goes to a lot, and now I'm going to be working at the company HE owns.

It's all coincidences and he probably thinks creepily of me. I hope not though.

I need to get away from here. I started my car and drove away. I ended up driving back home and unlocking the door walking inside.

To be honest I don't know if it's cause it's my first time living alone or what but I always feel like I'm being watched. It's so weird.

I always find myself constantly looking out the windows cause the feeling of being watched is really heavy. I hope I don't have a stalker. My mind does put tricks on me a lot though. Last night I woke up in the middle of the night and saw someone walking their dog and I yelled at them to leave me alone and stop stalking me.

They said they weren't stalking me their taking their dog out cause it kept barking to go outside. After words I gave the guy a bottle of water and he accepted it cause I felt bad. He thanked me and said he needed it cause he forgot his at home he was so tired.

I'm just a paranoid person. I always have been. I always wonder if my bsf is going to one day spill all my secrets to people or while I'm away somebody is going to murder my parents or bsf.

I've always worried about everything and over thought things that won't happen. Now that I live alone and I'm just a small weak girl I could easily be kidnapped and tortured to death. I'm so scared of it happening.

I could date a guy that could protect me but I've never dated before so I don't know how that stuff works.

Okay I need to get out of my thoughts before I get no sleep tonight. Wait what time is it? I looked at the oven clock to see it was now 9:39. I should get going to bed.

When I left Eric gave me papers on everything I need to know and it says work starts at 7:00 am sharp. So I actually need to wake up at 6 or I'm screwed. It's a 25 minute drive from here to the office.

I got ready for bed and laid down instantly falling asleep. I was so tired.

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