chapter twenty-six

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Trauma wasn't something new in her life. It had happened multiple times ever since she was seventeen. In a way, she was better prepared than her siblings to deal with the trauma that was the death of their father; she was even equipped to deal with the loss of her child because it was familiar.

            Death was not new. She knew death like the back of her hand. And, yes, she was sad but she wouldn't let it plague her like death seemed to. 

          So, the morning after her father had passed. She got a new phone since she broke hers that night and then she enacted her plan. She tweeted out to the masses that she was no longer in a relationship with Lukas Matsson.

         It started up another string of missed calls and texts from Lukas. She ignored every single one of them. It was necessary for now.

Then she went to the wake for her father at his penthouse. She stepped out of the car in a knee-length dark blue velvet long-sleeve dress with heels. She wore sunglasses as she was immediately bombarded with cameras snapping pictures as the paparazzi screamed out questions.

"Rose, how do you feel about your father?"

"Did you really break up with Lukas?"

She ignored them as she went inside. Once she was on the elevator, she took off her sunglasses to let them hang on the neckline of her dress. She stepped out of the elevator once it reached the top. She was immediately greeted by Marcia.

"Rose," she smiled sadly before giving her a small hug. "My condolences."

"Thank you," she said blankly. "You as well."

Marcia placed a hand on her cheek affectionately for a small moment before she said quietly, "It was not the company Logan loved most, you know."

She clenched her jaw as her heart squeezed painfully and she swallowed harshly as she nodded, "Thank you."

           "Of course," Marcia smiled softly at her and Rose nodded before moving along.

         As she walked down the hallway, Connor pulled her into a side hug, "Hey. How is the Rosebud doing?"

          Rosebud. She swallowed as she thought about how she'd never hear her father say that name again. His nickname for her.

          "I'm fine," she said blankly with her icy blue eyes that didn't let anyone in.

          "Yeah. Of course you are," Connor smiled knowingly before whispering. "But if you need to talk, I'm here."

           She smiled softly as she squeezed Connor more tightly, "Thank you."

          "That's what big brothers are for," he smiled. "Man, I always wanted to say that line."

           She chuckled lightly before she pulled away from Connor, "And where are my other big brothers?"

          "Oh, you know. Plotting the takeover," Connor mused. "Same old shenanigans."

         "Not for long," she said quietly before she parted from Connor.

          She found the rest of her siblings in a private room on the phone with Oskar. She rolled her eyes at the little power play Lukas was so obviously doing. Then she heard Shiv ask desperately and Rose shook her head, "Is he still buying the company?"

         "Oh, sure, man. Maybe, if you don't squeeze too tight," Oskar said. "Now, who will be leading?"

                Rose stepped into the room as she spoke up, "I will be. And he'll be squeezed as tight as I think he should be."

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