chapter twenty-one

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Rose finally wanted to go public with Lukas. Technically, she sort of had to because she'd been alerted that the gossip magazines were about to run a piece about her birthday party and her juggling two guys, Tom and Lukas, since she had danced with them.

She was pissed about it and Lukas had heard her rant.

"Maybe I should fuck you in public and then they'd really have something to talk about instead of pulling crap out of their ass."

Lukas had only chuckled before he grinned, "You put the worst ideas in my head, älskling."

She rolled her eyes before she sighed, "We have to tell my Dad about us."

"Finally?" he smiled.

"You sound so enthused," she said. "He might actually murder you."

He shrugged as he grinned and made a little joke, "I'm willing to die for you, baby."

She giggled before she said seriously, "Well, I also want to go public with you."


"Yes," she replied and he smiled softly.

"Just tell me when."

"After my dad..."

And that was currently what they were doing. She had called her father up and said she wanted to meet for dinner. He had accepted. But she hadn't told him Lukas was going to be with her.

"Matsson," Logan said in surprise as he approached the table they were sitting at.

Lukas stood up to stand beside her because she had been pacing beside the table in their wait. She was particularly nervous because he didn't have the greatest reaction to Jack.

"It's nice to see you, sir," Lukas said politely.

Rose slipped her hand into his now that he was next to her. It was a force of habit.

Logan noticed and he questioned, "What the fuck is this?"

"Dad," she stepped forward a bit while still holding his hand before she revealed nervously. "I am kind of dating Lukas."

"Get the fuck out of here," he said in disbelief before he shouted at Lukas. "And stop holding her fucking hand."

Lukas raised his hands in surrender with an amused expression before he held them behind his back. Then Logan looked at Lukas accusingly, "What do you think you're doing, uh? You think by being with her you can get a better fucking number on the deal? Is that fucking it?"

Then Logan stepped forward like he was going to hit Lukas who felt his eyes widen. But Rose stepped in front of him.

"Dad, we started dating before the deal even started," she informed. "And we've been together for months. Months, Dad."

"Months?" Logan questioned before he stared at Lukas. "If it's been so long then you can answer the fucking question: do you love her?"

"Dad," she scolded.

"It's a simple yes or no question, Rosebud..."

"Very much," Lukas interrupted as he stated simply before he grinned a bit as he stared at Rose. "But who wouldn't fucking love her?"

Logan analyzed him before he nodded, "Good."

"Now, I'm fucking leaving. I need to take a fucking walk," Logan said in aggravation before he left.

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