chapter twenty-four

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The next day was the rehearsal dinner that Connor had for his wedding. Rose, of course, attended and was there on time unlike the rest of her siblings. They had showed up when it was practically over and forty minutes after Willa stood up and said "I can't do this."

Willa had been in the bathroom with her friends since then. But now she was leaving as the rest of her siblings showed up.

Rose had placed a comforting hand on his shoulder as Willa left, "I'm sure it'll be fine, Con. Every bride gets a little nervous."

"Really?" Connor questioned. "You didn't seem nervous with Jack?"

She was a bit tongue-tied before she responded, "Well, most brides."

Connor hummed and sighed before he took a sip of his champagne. Then the rest of her siblings showed up.

Shiv spoke first as she analyzed Rose. She was a bit taken aback by the return of the red hair. She thought Rose would never go back to it after the incident. It was like Rose was telling Shiv that she was healed.

"Well, if it isn't the perfect traitor," Shiv said. "How did you convince my husband to snitch?"

"Oh, you know," Rose crossed her arms as she spoke sarcastically. "I obviously fucked him."

Roman chuckled while Shiv glared before he commented, "I like the red. Heard you were fucking with Lukas. Should've seen that one coming because he was really obsessed with you. Like would not fucking shut up. But hey if you're happy, I guess I'm happy for you."

Roman shrugged a little bit like it didn't bother him one way or the other if she was happy or not. But he took note of the way his sister seemed to glow. There was a certain look in her eyes like nothing bothered her, a certain happiness. And he couldn't help but want her to stay that way because of how she was after Jack.

"Well, I'm not," Kendall spoke. "Seriously, Rose? Matsson? How could you be with him? He's stealing our birthright, Rose."

"First of all, we were dating before the deal," she clarified before she gained an icy gaze. "And he's not stealing anything. It's business."

"Right," Shiv rolled her eyes. "And of course you're the favorite toy of the new boss."

"Why? Are you jealous?" Rose glared right back at her.

"Guys, can we not?" Connor interrupted. "Just for tonight."

Rose and Shiv both nodded but their glares remained. Connor told them how Willa left and how he was sad. He decided he wanted to go to a bar. A real bar. So that's where they went.

She had ordered a beer and just pretended to sip on it. Lukas had been texting her anxiously about the deal; he wanted to call one of her siblings and warn them from siding with the board members that wanted to try to squeeze him for more money. She had to repeatedly tell him no and warn him against that idea.

He seemed to listen but it didn't really matter as Stewy sent Kendall the details on the comparables which then got Kendall to join the squeeze the Swede bandwagon along with Shiv. Roman didn't believe that Lukas would go up on the price.

"Oh, well if that's what he said then it must be true?" Kendall said sarcastically.

"It is," Roman said before gesturing to Rose. "Like fucking ask her; I'm sure she knows."

All of her siblings looked at her as her eyes widened. She shook her head, "Oh, no. I'm not involved in this."

"Come on, Rose," Kendall encouraged. "Will he go up in price?"

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