chapter thirty-one

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AN: dress for the chapter

         Rose had left Lukas early in the morning to go back to her apartment

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Rose had left Lukas early in the morning to go back to her apartment. Her dress for the funeral and everything else she needed to get ready was there so she went back there. She had kissed him goodbye and told him she'd see him at the funeral.

          Last night, the video had been released. The board was in contact with her shortly after telling her that she was no longer co-CEO because of the image the video created towards her and that Frank was taking her position. Although, Gerri informed that they were still very open to her suggestions. But Rose still had her board seat so it wasn't the end of the world to her.

           Roman had left her many texts which she all ignored. She didn't really feel like talking to any of her siblings, worried they'd all reveal themselves as traitors. But Roman was just concerned because a certain video had been released and she hadn't been present for the election yesterday. Roman aired his concerns in the car that contained his two other siblings.

      "So, are we gonna talk about how there's a fucking sex tape of our sister going around?" Roman asked. "And how she's basically MIA?"

         "Um, right, yeah. So..." Kendall started. "It got released last night and the board fired her and replaced her with Frank."

          "What? The board that worships at her fucking altar?" Roman shook his head.

          "Well, it just didn't look good, Roman," Kendall defended.

          "Why are you defending the board?" Shiv questioned. "I mean, it was better if the company was in family hands. Now half of it belongs to Frank."

           "I was actually the one that released the video, guys," Kendall revealed. "I gave her an ultimatum about getting the board to vote against the deal. She didn't want to do it so...she forced my hand."

         "You mean you blackmailed our sister and she didn't take it well," Roman clarified. "Cause who didn't see that one coming."

            "You released the video?" Shiv questioned. "That's...kind of low, Ken."

          "Yeah, okay, guys. I get it."

           "So I'm guessing she's never going to talk to any one of us ever again," Roman mused sadly. "That's just great. Very lovely."

          "Okay, Roman. I get it," Kendall argued. "I screwed up."

           "Yeah, you did, man," Roman said. "You fucking did."


         At the funeral, Lukas was talking to Shiv. She was pitching herself for the CEO position. He only entertained her because she was a board vote. It was as Shiv was giving her best pitch when Rose walked in to the church.

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